[H] CC I missed you! (Vanilla player return)

100 Blood Elf Priest
Greetings Cenarion Circle!

I'm an old Vanilla/early BC pvper and raider recently returned to the game after a looong hiatus. My name is similiar to my old one (Kaelyndhri), but I changed my troll toon to a blood elf. I was an ES member, and ran battlegrounds with Desperate/Eternal Sorrow/most CC vanilla pvpers back in the day.

I've only seen a few familiar names running around Orgrimmar--during my previous returns to the game in recent years, I used to see a lot more. I know many have transferred servers/quit/rerolled/etc., but I was curious to know if any Vanilla CCers are still around Horde-side. Say hi to me in-game if you remember me :)

I really missed this server and all of the wonderful people I met here. Glad to be back home, and hope to have more awesome times in-game!
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
There's a few CCer's still around.

Most (if not all) of original ES has quit, just recently. Selima I know is on another server though, so she's still around somewhere.
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