The Jingle Bell Ruckus

100 Human Paladin
The Jingle Bell Ruckus Tournament will be held December 27th at 7:00 p.m in the Dalaran sewers. This is a pvp match fight. Stigr will be the Battle Master and will slate the matches. We encourage all friends and fans to attend and cheer on the fighters. Prizes will be awarded to the top fighters.

Please sign up here or contact Stigr in game. We look forward to a good fight and encourage anyone interested in pvp to sign up. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate your skills and win some very nice prizes.
Edited by Gentyl on 12/8/2013 3:04 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Elvenmoon has generously offered to donate a mount for the winner of the Ruckus. It will be the jeweler's mount. We are very grateful for her continued generosity for these events. She has always been very supportive toward roleplay and the various events of CC. So, if you get a chance, please say thank you to her.
Edited by Gentyl on 12/8/2013 3:05 PM PST
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100 Dwarf Hunter
ye great, cowardly gits! 2 days to go, an' no' ONE o' ye 'ave signed up, yet?

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100 Night Elf Rogue
I go out with friends every Friday night. Otherwise I'd love to participate.

That doesn't mean that you all shouldn't though. PVE gear isn't just usable in world PVP nowadays, it's optimal, and I know that a fair amount of you run LFR, flex, and normal.

I'll be happy to run BGs tomorrow with anyone who thinks that they need the practice for this. I also wouldn't be opposed to running a few practice duels for those who think that they may need the help. Just contact me when I get on after work.

Good luck to all of the contestants!
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100 Dwarf Hunter
Listen to the grape-flavored Longear! Glory be waitin' fer any Lads an' Lassies wit' the stones to step inna me arena!
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90 Night Elf Druid
Warcraftier will throw in a Garrosh carry (just Normal for now, sorry XD - but you will get your wolf mount still!), distributed in any way the contest judge sees fit. Please contact me afterwards for winner details. Furthermore, whoever comes along is eligible for loot as well; there are only a couple of things some of our folks still need from Garrosh but the vast bulk of it is open.

We'll also throw in some packages of Spirits of War, also please distribute as your judge sees fit. I'm really flexible on this part, so if you guys want to talk to me about it further in game please shoot me a mail, but hopefully this encourages participation and/or gear ups in the community.

Belated Merry Christmas. XD
Edited by Lerrielin on 12/26/2013 6:06 AM PST
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90 Pandaren Warrior
12/26/2013 06:04 AMPosted by Lerrielin
I'm really flexible

:3 o my
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90 Night Elf Druid
12/26/2013 08:29 AMPosted by Liore
I'm really flexible

:3 o my

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100 Dwarf Hunter
Anyone from Warcraftier wantin' in, Lerrielin?
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100 Pandaren Monk
12/26/2013 11:18 AMPosted by Lerrielin

:3 o my


Damn, you're louder than I am, when you walk.
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100 Dwarf Hunter
Ah'm open to Hordies joinin', Liore, but ye still be needin' to git hold o' me, and ye'll only qualify fer the trade able prizes.
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90 Pandaren Warrior

I'll fight anything for fun. The best prizes are intangible. I -should- be able to turn up. And I intend to, weather permitting.
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100 Dwarf Hunter
Ye heard it here first, ye lazy, milk-swillin' gits! Sign up fer the Ruckus, and get to beat on Liore!
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90 Night Elf Druid
I can't speak for all of them, but I won't be participating. I just wanted to donate some goods/services for prizes. :D And stomp Liore some. :|
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100 Human Warrior
I would fight but I have 0 PvP gear and my PvE gear is mostly Timeless 496 junk.

I'll be there to watch though! And if I absolutely have to I'll fight and embarrass the Union!
(If I can make it of course.)
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90 Pandaren Warrior
You may be able to hurt me,

but you'll never hurt MY FEELINGS.



aaaaaaaa ya got me.

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100 Dwarf Hunter
Free entrance, an' fabulous prizes! May get lucky, Lad!
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100 Dwarf Hunter
Round 1!
Vindicem vs Morefeen
Kod vs Azuka
Harmarth vs Foravin
Aleximitha vs Surerri
Baskel vs Frampt
Thel vs Nanfeng
Kratus vs Gentyl
Calendre vs Khraven

To the Victors go the Spoils!
Edited by Stigr on 12/27/2013 7:11 PM PST
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100 Dwarf Hunter
Round 2!

Feen vs Kod
Gentyl vs thel
Baskel vs Khraven
Surerri vs Harmarth

It's really heatin' up, now!
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100 Dwarf Hunter

Morefeen vs Baskel
Thel vs Harmarth

Almost to the Finale!
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