The Jingle Bell Ruckus

100 Dwarf Hunter
An' the Ruckus has it's champion! Morefeen!

In a near second is Thel, with Baskel takin third in a consolation round against Harmarth.
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100 Human Priest
This event was absolutely splendid, and the fights were intense, every one of them. Thanks to everyone who came out and I'm so glad most everyone I've talked to has had a safe, happy holiday!
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100 Worgen Rogue
Some of 'em were really close, too.

I'm pretty sure I had Baskel down to about 20k, out of his monstrous 700-something. But I ran out of gap-closers D:
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100 Human Priest
I'm with you on that. That was a hell of a fight - I thought you had him.
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100 Human Priest
I think Kod deserves an honorable mention here, he's absolutely terrifying. Did you see how fast he killed the hunter?
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90 Gnome Warlock
Thanks for the fun guys. Had a great time! I would like to see more events like this in the future.
Edited by Baskèl on 12/28/2013 6:46 AM PST
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Darn it darn it darn it! I was off friday and in town until sat morning. Somehow I never saw this post or heard about it in game otherwise I would have made sure I was awake for this. I had plans all day long and naturally the first thing I did was pass out all day until about 11pm lol. Turncutt had told me we missed some fun that night.

Oh well heh. Grats to the winner(s?), hope someone has a screenshot or videos of this.
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100 Human Paladin
Once again, Warcraftier made monumental donations to an event and we are eternally grateful to them. I hope that each of you who participated will please send a thank you note to Lerri and thank her and Warcraftier for their donations. Not only did they donate a carry through SoO on normal, but they also donated 14 stacks of spirits of war. I divided these up between all of the participants and Stigr who did such a remarkable job of organizing and running the matches.

So please do take time out as a server to than Warcraftier who is always so generous to support events.

Also, Pia will probably be hosting more of these Ruckuses. I am thinking on a monthly basis. So, all you guild leaders out there, bring out your champions. We will furnish prizes to the winners and honor to all who participate.
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