Elemental event

100 Night Elf Druid
Trust the RP realms to put a bit more zing into (what is becoming) a pretty boring event.

Spent part of yesterday fighting the invasion off on my tauren warr and shammy here and found it to be a bit more enjoyable than back on AT (where they tend to be more business-like). In this case it meant the group chewing through the mobs was being followed around by a player who was dressed like, and delivering the Twilight Cult's propoganda as we waded in the elemental gore: "give it up, you are bound to failllllll", etc.

Thank you for doing it, whomever - made it far less chore-like than usual.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Was that Woulds? He's been the most prominent cultist so far, but I *think* there's a few of them out there. :)
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80 Orc Warrior
Woulds?! How'd he get out? I arrested his Cultist behind and tossed him in with the rest of 'em! Lemme at 'im...
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100 Orc Shaman
Startin' t' think th' cultists got someone on th' inside. Wit' th' rate we been throwin' 'em in jail, Orgrimmar shoul' be empty by now.
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Why, that're a smart idea there Druse. Nature's all about re-use and recyclin, and I reckon puttin them numbskulls to work as fit labor ain't half bad.

After all, if'n they went an' joined up with the twilights, it's not like they was usin them brains to begin with. An when they gets too tore up to work any more, we just grinds e'm up and uses 'em as feritlizer.

And here I thought you DeadKnights didn't have no sense of civic duty...learn something new every day I do.
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100 Night Elf Priest
I approve of this train of thought.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
I would be happy to assist in this endeavor as well.
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80 Orc Warrior
You stay outta this, Night Elf.

As for you two Death knights... watch it. A lot of those people are simply misguided. Soon as this whole situation's wrapped up, we'll get to work on their punishment as Warchief Garrosh dictates - or Thrall, should he return to take up the mantle again by then.
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100 Night Elf Priest
It was a Night Elf who STARTED this.
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80 Orc Warrior
It was a Night Elf who STARTED this.

A Night Elf referring to Horde characters.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Oh yeah. >.< fine.

*wanders off into the sunset*
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100 Human Rogue
Startin' t' think th' cultists got someone on th' inside. Wit' th' rate we been throwin' 'em in jail, Orgrimmar shoul' be empty by now.
I don't know about Hordeside, but in Stormwind, I caught quite a few miscreants breaking cultists out then re-arresting a few of them for the bounty. Just enough to keep up appearances.
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93 Tauren Shaman
Oops, yeah, OP here - on horde toon now.

Yeah it was Woulds harping away at us. Might have replied but I spent most of the time being CCed by the ele mobs. >_< Still awesome to blitz our way through the elementals and he made it wayyy less boring than usual.

Note: this toon is currently parked in 1K Needles and expecting a bit of water:


Wish I could have found a shield shaped like a surfboard somewhere...
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100 Night Elf Warrior
I had a lot of fun with my Sin'dorei warlock dressed in a cultist robe and purple face mask (with the "end is near" sign on my chest) as I walked around Would as he was proclaiming the end.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Now now, it would only have been for the leaders of this cult, not for anyone blinded enough by fear to join in. No need to get all upset.
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