Global Channels for Role-Players


100 Night Elf Druid
Credit goes to Arjah, who wrote the original post.

Since it comes up every few weeks in one context or another, I thought I would throw a quick list out there of player-created channels that role-players tend to use, not necessarily exclusively for RP, but any channels that I know of as good places to find other RPers. Some may be more geared toward getting groups together for instances and PvP, while others may be entirely in-character with a dedicated setting. I've tried to annotate to the best of my knowledge; please post replies with any additions to the list or corrections on the information I've provided. Alliance-side information would be particularly helpful, since I have virtually no exposure to that whole side of things.

Guilds are welcome to mention it here if they want their OOC channel to be more publicly known; I realize that each channel has a slightly different policy on that, and will not mention anyone's without their permission. Without further ado, the channels I know that still have at least enough of an active population to justify mentioning:

Horde Channels

/HordeOOC - The server's largest OOC channel specifically for the role-playing community! We've recently rolled a number of roleplaying guilds' individual OOC channels into this one, so you can always be sure of finding a large and diverse roleplaying population here.

/hearthstone - An in-character free-for-all channel with very flexible rules. Characters can speak from where they are in the world, including brief descriptions of what they're doing and the environment they're in. Ostensibly made possible by "Glyphs of Communication" attached to hearthstones that allow for this sort of long-distance telepathic exchange, hence the name.

/darknest - A regrettably-named in-character channel that's lasted from the VERY early days of Cenarion Circle and has evolved into a general tavern-themed gathering space. What goes on between patrons and barmaids in /whisper is no business of ours...
DISCLAIMER: This is a MATURE channel and NSFW. If you don't want to hear/see what is going on here, don't come in.

/OldSchool - Facilitates pre-WotLK raid and dungeon content. A must have for the RPer chasing down the old Tier 0-6 items, or anyone who just wants to experience the content. The channel has been around for almost a year and half, and has a large number of subscribers daily.


Alliance Channels

/AllianceOOC - An out-of-character public channel largely designed for organizing events, bringing guilds together and getting to know other roleplayers on the Alliance side of the realm.

/HearthstoneIC - An in-character free-for-all channel with very flexible rules. Characters can speak from where they are in the world, including brief descriptions of what they're doing and the environment they're in. Ostensibly made possible by "Glyphs of Communication" attached to hearthstones that allow for this sort of long-distance telepathic exchange, hence the name.

/Market- an IC channel for crafters looking to sell their wares to other RPers and may be relevant for other material requests.

/GUESS- The Gnomeregan Unusually Elite Secret Service. Gnomes only, please. Preferably elite ones.

/RPNewbies- an introduction to CC RP. Come here if you get swamped in AllianceOOC and wish to learn more.


Updated 7/8/12 If there is any other updates that need to be done, please let me know in game. I don't check the forums often, and this thread was meant to be saved from the old forums.
Edited by Shait on 7/8/2012 8:02 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Druid
(Can someone report this for sticky please?)
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90 Human Death Knight
Also, Alliance side is /Market an IC channel for crafters looking to sell their wares to other RPers.
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I don't know why I didn't post that myself!

The /Market channel may also be relevant for other material requests.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
I type that into my chat channel but it says command not recognized please help??
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We use / to identify a channel, but the actual command to join is /join channel.
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100 Undead Priest
11/20/2010 08:02 PMPosted by Shait
/darknest - A regrettably-named in-character channel that's lasted from the VERY early days of Cenarion Circle and has evolved into a general tavern-themed gathering space. What goes on between patrons and barmaids in /whisper is no business of ours...

Please note that, despite the good intentions, this channel seems to be pretty much exactly what the name suggests. It is not a place for our younger players, nor should it be your sole reason to check out CC.
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12/15/2011 07:29 PMPosted by Knowles
nor should it be your sole reason to check out CC.

Nor should it deter you from checking out CC, either. To each their own, and cheers!
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100 Undead Priest
nor should it be your sole reason to check out CC.

Nor should it deter you from checking out CC, either. To each their own, and cheers!

Of course not. It's perfectly easy to just *not* join the channel. I'm just saying that it might be more than the original description suggests.

And that people should want to check out our server for more than this channel.
Edited by Knowles on 12/19/2011 9:32 AM PST
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
I think what Knowles is trying to say is that the channel isn't quite what's being advertised in the OP.

I'd have to agree that we should likely either change the OP to take out the channel, or, if we must keep it in, make it quite clear what the actual intentions of the channel are. I don't think it's 'regrettably' named at all. I think that's exactly what the channel is intended to attract, and people new to the server who don't know better shouldn't be mislead.
Edited by Arothand on 12/19/2011 1:37 PM PST
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90 Tauren Shaman
I think what Knowles is trying to say is that the channel isn't quite what's being advertised in the OP.

I'd have to agree that we should likely either change the OP to take out the channel, or, if we must keep it in, make it quite clear what the actual intentions of the channel are. I don't think it's 'regrettably' named at all. I think that's exactly what the channel is intended to attract, and people new to the server who don't know better shouldn't be mislead.

Second. If it stays, label it for what it is, so people can go into the channel with a very clear idea of what goes on it-- especially since it's often not appropriate for younger players, or the squeamish.
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85 Night Elf Hunter

/DSTeahouse - The "Divine Seal Teahouse." In-character gathering place for pretty much anyone. Like /digratstew on the Horde side, there are no hard-and-fast rules governing exactly how everyone is talking to one another - the important thing is just to interact.

/SkychasersOOC - The out-of-character channel of the <Jadewing Skychasers>. Anyone is allowed to join as long as they can be civil. No set subject or purpose beyond OOC chat.

As, erm, creator of these a long time ago, I can't say for certain how active these are, and they may be able to be taken off the list. <Jadewing Skychasers> is no longer a guild.
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81 Gnome Warlock
Thank you for maintaining this list.

I'd like to add a channel

/join GUESS - The Gnomeregan Unusually Elite Secret Service wants YOU! Non-Gnomes need not apply. This is NOT A GUILD, but rather a global organization that any Unusually Elite Gnome may join.
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100 Draenei Mage
A few dedicated people on Alliance-side have founded the RPNewbies channel, for those of you whose voices get lost in AllianceOOC. Get a warm welcome and ask questions about lore and how to RP!
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100 Night Elf Druid
I think what Knowles is trying to say is that the channel isn't quite what's being advertised in the OP.

I'd have to agree that we should likely either change the OP to take out the channel, or, if we must keep it in, make it quite clear what the actual intentions of the channel are. I don't think it's 'regrettably' named at all. I think that's exactly what the channel is intended to attract, and people new to the server who don't know better shouldn't be mislead.

Second. If it stays, label it for what it is, so people can go into the channel with a very clear idea of what goes on it-- especially since it's often not appropriate for younger players, or the squeamish.

My apologies- this is re-posted from the old forums exactly as it was written there. I will update the OP to reflect that it is a mature channel and NSFW.
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100 Night Elf Druid
If you wish to see a change to this thread in any way, please contact me in game via mail. I don't check the forums often, so reaching me on Buto (horde) or Shait (alliance) is best.
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97 Draenei Hunter
I wish more circles of players would come forward and open their avenues of communication!

I emplore those of you who manage these to look past a few bad seeds that make it stressful sometimes enough to see the benifits we all could gain.

In the past when it was integral part of keeping large raid alliances orginized and raid leaders informed, i know rifts grew among the alliance rampant and wide when the bruning cruasde took place.
Reviveing some of the channels lost for up and comeing players like the class leads channel, and raid leaders swap room for schedual sharing and what not. haveing this again would definitly help keep players with conflicts in raid times from missing out but finding someone thats in the same boat and swaping them to a diffrent group for that perticular raid night. in turn keeping our guildies active and fit for duty and our raid groups confidence high bye getting another raider to fill the spot thats up to speed on the encounters. while haveing your own guild web pages and here on the forums. haveing lines of live communication has considerable value if built apon further.

We could definitly stand to benifit from a larger circle during the next expansion.
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22 Human Hunter
I'm really looking forward to checking out CC for RP. I heard it's one of the more serious RP servers with more closely knit Guilds... and when I was trying to find somewhere new to permanently settle down, it was at the top of my priorities list[Next to Emerald Dream-- though I know next to nothing about their community].
Don't get me wrong... I love Wyrmrest and Moon Guard.. when not in GS... but the RPs that take place, for me, aren't very long and they aren't that interesting. All I get is maybe one or two interactions from sitting in a tavern for 2 hours, or get ignored when sitting in the Cathedral Square for 30 minutes or so; occasionally typing out a little emote in hopes of recognition. I haven't been apart of a long-term Roleplay, with a fun storyline, in over two years... and for months, all I really did was create an alt, PvE, create an alt, PvE... it's getting to be redundant. I really do hope CC is what I'm looking for.
Be expecting someone new to popup within the majority of these channels soon.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Perhaps it would be worth noting the following things:
/darknest also exists Alliance-side, under that name.
/LOR is an old channel, Alliance-side, for people interested in running raids and whatnot and wanna get a group. Imperon was advertising for it a few weeks ago and right now it looks like it's entirely populated by roleplayers.
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