
33 Dwarf Rogue
[Moving this over from old forum for continuation]


"Ach! That's done it."

She looked down, disgusted at the disaster that had occurred. These constant shakes and earth tremors were taking their toll on her writing--this time for the worst. She slumped into the stone chair, looking at the spilled pot of ink, its contents slowly spreading like a black sea over the pamphlets she had been copying. Stacks of finished pamphlets lay piled and bound next to the low writing table. As the black ink spread, it spilled over the edge of the desk, dripping onto one of the stacks. She halfheartedly kicked it out of the way, papers fluttering about.

"Can't believe e's makin' me copy all these meself."

Her frown grew troubled as she looked at one of the fresh copies. She'd wanted to have them scribed off, but no one would take the work. Times were not well, and with the rise in cults and spreading earth tremors, everyone was tense, wrapped up in their own thoughts, and more worried about making themselves secure than taking up any more work. The dwarves could hear it especially--as though the rock itself was crying out with heartache.

Shaking her head, she stood and walked to the pantry, pulling down some rags and setting about cleaning up the mess, occasionally steadying herself against another tremor.

The only warning she had was the clink of plated gauntlets against the door frame. Tensing, she slipped the dagger from its sheath on her desk, only to relax at who she saw as she turned.

"You are almost done?" The voice was slightly lisped, but deep. And as usual, slightly curt--always business. It took her a moment to translate the phrase before she replied in kind.

"Yes; this should be the last three stacks."

"Good. You were able to contact someone?"

"Ehlina says that she will lend her support." The dwarf paused. "She thinks you're probably mad."

"It matters not, so long as there is help."

The figure turned, leaving the shadowed doorway and receding back into the darkness. She watched him go, wondering why she continued to work in the employ of this fellow. She'd known him for years, occasionally acting as a courier between the Horde and the Alliance on his behalf, being one of the few who'd taken the time to learn gutterspeak. The language was vaguely similar to the human's common if you took the time to work out the subtleties.

She looked back at the pamphlets, shaking her head. Even with her reservations, she always ended up returning to the reason she did stay. He brought the one thing that was missing in these potential end times.


Bending down to gather up the scattered pamphlets on the floor, she muttered, "Let us hope that there is more help coming. We'll need it."
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30 Undead Priest
The cavern was quiet but for the occasional sputter of the torch that lit the mouth. Sitting quietly, he watched as another tremor shook the ground, the surprised snort of a boar nearby as it scattered for the underbrush. It wasn't good, and the populace was starting to wonder. Leaders of both factions had sequestered themselves to council, trying to figure out what the cause of the recent quakes were, while ineffective guards and officials attempted to placate worried peasants and townspeople. The rise of the fear mongering cultists didn't help.

He'd traveled abroad, crossing the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor in search of an answer. The Molten Core still lay silent, and Nefarion's lair long deserted. Most of both faction's forces were focused on Northrend, and while they were trying, not enough attention was being given to where it was needed.

Out of that darkness strode another figure, crouching down at the cavern entrance to sit. His raptor curled up nearby, keeping watch into the darkness. The two didn't need words to converse, having long known each other. They watched the night sky for some time, before finally one spoke.

"You know what we must do."

"Yes. But what if they don't listen, old friend?"

"They must."
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30 Undead Priest
He rode through Orgrimmar slowly, the sights and sounds familiar, bringing back a wash of old memories. Keeping his head low, and cloak wrapped close against the night air, his path took him through the drag, ears listening to the echoing sounds of the so-called saviors, preaching protection and salvation against the sure-to-come catastrophe. Snorting, he ignored them and rode on.

Upon entering the valley of wisdom, he stopped, watching a gathered group who's tabard he recognized. Smiling a little, he sat patiently astride his horse, sitting up a little as the air warmed a little. Letting his cloak fall away, it flapped lazily. The horse snorted.

One of those gathered turned and noticed the figure sitting astride his horse--an gasped, pulling on the sleeve of another next to her. Heads turned and murmurings began as the healers finished their gathering for the moment, attention turning to the newcomer. Eyes widened with recognition. A blood elf walked over, looking up at the figure, and gave a bow.

"Greetings, and welcome stranger."
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61 Undead Warrior
"Dark tidings."
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