Southshore: The Final Battle Video.

100 Draenei Shaman
Here it is, not as good as i was hoping since alot of my Recording's bugged out, but here, it's 7 Minutes Long. Enjoy.
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90 Undead Priest
((Nice job on the video, it'll make a suitable keepsake for when we look back at these good old days. Its difficult to film and fight, but you made it look easy. I noticed something from the chat window: Paranitis' Horde alt in our raid was Kitties! Watching the bird's eye view is like seeing footage from a real-time strategy game. It makes me want to go back and fight again.

If our side had a videographer, I was thinking a good song to catch its mood would have been "The Mob Rules", by Black Sabbath. Glorious chaos.))
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100 Draenei Shaman
I had footage of the Horde wiping us out a few time's, but whenever i loaded the footage into anything the program would crash >_>
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85 Dwarf Warrior
You got the part with me saying I'll get back on Kitties..but you didn't show the part where Kitties came back and was 60 feet tall and killed everyone in Southshore and then tore the town apart so that the Nickelodeon Slime Factory could have it's way with the town!
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OMG! You see me at the beginning! Im the black cat that shifts into bear, and you almost kill me! And then you tab to a DK, and back to me, then the DK again! :D *squeal*

EDIT: at 5:32 Im the dead tauren on the hill D:

EDIT2: OMG! Im the bear in the Inn at the end!

Edited by Rhyas on 11/21/2010 10:24 PM PST
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85 Dwarf Warrior
I'm a little sad about the video because I spent so much time switching back and forth trying to get more people on Horde to participate, that I didn't really have much time to get into any of the video. :(
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Thanks for making the video. I'm especially pleased to see my finest moment in the battle preserved, when I stood an entire 4 seconds under fire next to the wagon in Tarren Mill.
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Great job on the video. I think I have some music to hunt down now as I got chills listening to it.

Only complaint is the end heh

"In the end, the horde prevailed*insert the after shot of Southshore*...

Thanks to: Fallenrose"

heh, now I feel like it's my fault the town blew up.

J/K though, great job on it and thanks for posting it :)
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85 Human Paladin
Love the video. Very nice! Still kicking myself for missing the fight.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Great job on the video. I think I have some music to hunt down now as I got chills listening to it.

Only complaint is the end heh

"In the end, the horde prevailed*insert the after shot of Southshore*...

Thanks to: Fallenrose"

heh, now I feel like it's my fault the town blew up.

J/K though, great job on it and thanks for posting it :)

See, if you hadn't started this up, Southshore would still be around in Cata... *ducks*

Just teasing though, this was great fun.
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90 Tauren Shaman
((Thanks for that. Was a blast.

I do recognize Parantis heading out of Southshore on his initial scouting mission to TM at the start.

+1 on the use of Far Sight!))
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85 Orc Death Knight
Bwahahaha, you see my name flit across the screen because I tried to just plow my way to Imperon while he was shouting stuff and I went down like 5 second later. Oh man I just kinda belly flop.

But IC: Fallenrose! Though the Horde wins this day in the end, it is through ignoble means! I will come and find you and wreak TERRIBLE vengeance for taking from us an honorable victory! j/k :D
Edited by Goregrinder on 11/23/2010 2:22 AM PST
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80 Night Elf Druid
AWESOME VIDEO! Makes me said to think of that final battle. Then I grin knowing we will find a new home to hold such epic battles in!
If you want and find a way, perhaps if you give me the video you have that seems to not work for you - well maybe I can try to use my software to put it together for you? Find me in game and we can talk ok?
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Awesome video, I'm sorry I had to miss the event. Real life got in the way. :(

Who was the artist for the music that started playing at the 2:29 mark in the video? I'm a huge fan of symphonic metal, and that didn't sound familiar... I must have all the symphonic metal!
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100 Worgen Death Knight
**EDIT** Stupid double post... forums are freaking out today, and blaming Deathwing for the errors...
Edited by Brynnara on 11/23/2010 10:28 AM PST
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100 Draenei Shaman
AWESOME VIDEO! Makes me said to think of that final battle. Then I grin knowing we will find a new home to hold such epic battles in!
If you want and find a way, perhaps if you give me the video you have that seems to not work for you - well maybe I can try to use my software to put it together for you? Find me in game and we can talk ok?

The Video File's that bugged, were corrupted and my computer auto-deleted them, sorry :(
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100 Draenei Shaman
Awesome video, I'm sorry I had to miss the event. Real life got in the way. :(

Who was the artist for the music that started playing at the 2:29 mark in the video? I'm a huge fan of symphonic metal, and that didn't sound familiar... I must have all the symphonic metal!

Two Steps From Hell - Demon Rider, its in the Video i guess i just didnt put the Text lined up with the Beginning of the Song. =/
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85 Night Elf Hunter
wtb your TukUI edit for my resolution *Yes, one of my alts is on CC - Lunatouched. :) *
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