Wyrd was a curious creature. Since the day Ceidy crossed paths with it within the Feralas Forests the two have shared a strong magical connection. It seemed at times as if the creature were a conduit of pure arcane energies, yet chooses to manifest it in different ways.
The creature is fully capable of independance. In this way he is, assuming its a 'he'...frankly its difficult to tell and the mage never really inquired, but in his way he is much like a cat. Comes a goes as he pleases. Ceidy is very much aware that the Sprite Darter is only with her because it chooses to be, so this makes the creature more of a companion and friend than a pet. When you look at him you can tell that there is more going on inside that tiny head than might appear.
Perhaps the strangest of all things about the connection they share is that he responds to her at times as if he can read perfectly her every thought, intent, or emotion. He even seems to be able to channel and even duplicate several of Ceidy's own magical abilities. For instance, the ability to use a simple conjuration to summon crystalline water to fill the bathtub, and then slightly alter a combustion spell to heat that water perfectly. Who really knows how or why the creature does it, but that it can and does makes him... well... Wyrd.
The creature is fully capable of independance. In this way he is, assuming its a 'he'...frankly its difficult to tell and the mage never really inquired, but in his way he is much like a cat. Comes a goes as he pleases. Ceidy is very much aware that the Sprite Darter is only with her because it chooses to be, so this makes the creature more of a companion and friend than a pet. When you look at him you can tell that there is more going on inside that tiny head than might appear.
Perhaps the strangest of all things about the connection they share is that he responds to her at times as if he can read perfectly her every thought, intent, or emotion. He even seems to be able to channel and even duplicate several of Ceidy's own magical abilities. For instance, the ability to use a simple conjuration to summon crystalline water to fill the bathtub, and then slightly alter a combustion spell to heat that water perfectly. Who really knows how or why the creature does it, but that it can and does makes him... well... Wyrd.