Guild Name Quandry

100 Gnome Priest
Husband and I are about to start up a guild here on CC and the debate is this:

Would anyone even know what Phlebotinum is?

I think he doesn't give WoW RPers enough credit! He's afraid too few will get it and the guild will never grow. Your thoughts?
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100 Human Paladin
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain


<insert Deus Ex here>


Yada yada yada

That may or may not answer your question.
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100 Gnome Priest
Your randomness is appreciated Genevra.
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100 Human Paladin
Well I could explain what the reference is too, but where's the fun in that? So I offered references that were both similar and dissimilar, my favorite being the "Yada yada yada" There are plenty of people I think who will get the reference.
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100 Gnome Priest
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a completely ad-hoc plot device"
—David Langford


I for one knew and therefore smirked (and perhaps /gnomegiggled); but I also admit needing to refresh the memory stores.

What kinda guild is this? Family? Fun? Rp?
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100 Gnome Priest
RP fun actually! There are 5 of us, all family, and we got this wild hair to make an all-gnome (maybe a dwarf drinking buddy or two) guild to be ridiculous together with. Three of us are full up on WrA and one is stationed overseas with a less than idea connection... so CC was the perfect place to do so! ;)
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100 Night Elf Druid
I have a decent vocabulary and have to admit I had to google the name. Once I did, it sounded interesting. I'm not a role-player, but I think if you explained the name in your macro and posts, it would be intriguing.
Edited by Penningtonia on 12/30/2013 11:05 PM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
I like it! I'm excited to see you guys in game :D I'm intrigued by the "all gnome (and some dwarf) guild" concept. It's one that I'd personally like to see succeed.

Good luck to you Phlebotinum!
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92 Night Elf Druid
I was eating and skimming the forums and I definitely read 'Phlebottom'. So I heartily approve of this guild... welcome to CC!

More gnomes. Az want more delicious gnomes.
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100 Worgen Warlock
Careful what you wish for, long ears - because I'll give you fel heartburn before I rip out of your chest. *wicked grin*
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100 Human Mage
If you're worried about people "getting" your guild name, it's not likely to be a good idea, especially for an RP guild. As an RP entity, you want your guild name to be recognizable and understandable to people. It does have a strongly negative impact on recruitment when your name has the feeling of randomness or an inside joke.

Ideally the name of an RP guild will give some idea about the nature of the guild. I realize that my own guild name seems to work against this ideal and using a non-English language for your guild name isn't always advised. That said, we've made this name work and you could make yours work. Tell people it's a gnomish word, though.

As your name is a reference to a writing phenomenon, I personally would consider something else. A guild name you laugh at is not the same thing as a guild name that inspires confidence and suggests that the guild will still be around years from now.
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100 Pandaren Monk
I highly recommend your guildname to be <Luckyduck Olympiad>


What do you mean we have a guild with a very similar name already?
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