The Weathered Cot: Sway A While And Listen

100 Goblin Warlock
Liore gets a BOLO!?

I'm super jelly... ;_;
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Finnaeus twirls in his chair, his gnarled roots stroking the fur off of a cat that looks miserable and irritated by the scratching.

"So. The other druid posted again. And it was funny." He wrinkled his bark in disgust, and then twirled in his chair again. The woodland creatures sat around an impromptu business table, all looking more interested in the popcorn at the center of the table than anything the tree had to say.

"Gentlemen. It's time to take this...other...druid out of the equation. Commence Operation Doomkin of the Boomkin. Yes."

Cackling, he swivels in the chair, his branches digging a bit too deeply into the cat and causing him to yowl. Behind him, the woodland creatures brawl over the popcorn.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
You people are amazing.

What the hell is a bolo.

Is that like yolo?

Should I be hiding? I'm frightened, Derscha.

Zul and Finnie, leave my guild so I can have the pleasure of inviting a pair of creative masterminds to my guild.
Edited by Liore on 7/8/2014 6:42 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
Be On the Lookout.

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After his embarrassing tumble Zulalam retreats to his cabin in the woods. A cabin that looks strangely like a giant chicken coop. Wire-mesh fence and all. Which Zulalam spends some time being entangled in before freeing himself.

Once inside he turns on the stove to make a nice cup of tea and some eggs. Once these are finished he sits down to eat, drink, and ponder. During his self-reflection he senses something. Like thousands of small woodland creatures shrieking at once and turning their focus onto him.

Zulalam bursts into action and hits his panic button. The bushes around his chicken coop of a home writhe and grow until the coop is no longer visible. They then creak as long thorns extend from them and they tighten together to create an impenetrable barrier.

Once this is finished Zulalam is left standing in a suddenly much darker room. "Well crap," he thinks to himself, "I didn't tink dis through. How do I get out now?"
Edited by Zulalam on 7/8/2014 7:55 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
07/08/2014 06:41 PMPosted by Liore
Zul and Finnie, leave my guild so I can have the pleasure of inviting a pair of creative masterminds to my guild.

Awww shucks! Me? A creative mastermind? You're too kind! <3

07/08/2014 07:05 PMPosted by Derscha
Be On the Lookout.


I want a BOLO too! *-*
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Creative mastermind? It feels great to get such a compliment but I'm more of a creative cat. I can look all graceful and sometimes do things that are pretty amazing. Then I start chasing my own tale, bounce off a wall, trip on myself and fall, then notice people have seen me and dash off in shame.
Edited by Zulalam on 7/9/2014 7:52 PM PDT
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82 Blood Elf Priest
Bare feet – painted toes,
One foot covered by a compass rose.
Grass and twigs prickle underneath,
Her only covering, that of a soft, translucent fleece.
Purposeful was her stride,
Not even bothering to hide.
Through the thicket she could see,
A door, so blue – it might bleed.
Creaking and cracking, the door swung,
There rises the sun.
No hesitation – she steps to the aperture,
Pushing the door wide – deceptively seeming sure.
Egress unhindered,
Her smile dawns as the new day shimmers,

With anticipation.
Edited by Kamdrin on 7/14/2014 1:20 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
07/09/2014 07:37 PMPosted by Zulalam
Creative mastermind? It feels great to get such a compliment but I'm more of a creative cat. I can look all graceful and sometimes do things that are pretty amazing. Then I start chasing my own tale, bounce off a wall, trip on myself and fall, then notice people have seen me and dash off in shame.

And ice-skate across smooth floors (usually wood floors) and crash into a sliding glass door, don't forget about that.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Cower and quail, Alliance pigs.

This is but a prologue in the symphony of your doom.

We were merely tuning up. When that first chord is struck, your white-washed walls will blister and your immaculate gardens will wither.
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Did I miss something?

Oh God I missed something.

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100 Goblin Warlock
07/16/2014 10:10 PMPosted by Liore
Cower and quail, Alliance pigs.

This is but a prologue in the symphony of your doom.

We were merely tuning up. When that first chord is struck, your white-washed walls will blister and your immaculate gardens will wither.

Nyah! Let's gank us some gnomes!
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100 Gnome Priest
07/17/2014 01:44 PMPosted by Mormel

Nyah! Let's gank us some gnomes!



"Take a note. Put a indefinite hold on that Oarwind poster. We might not need to send it, after all. I suspect the requester might be disappearing soon."

"Right-o, bossgnome!"
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100 Goblin Warlock
W-what!? Ya mean... I could still get an Oarwind poster if I'm nice ta lawn ornaments!?

<runs over and pets a gnome>
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Can we be?
Like the seasons trees.
Just not so easily.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Nyah? Seasons trees? Are you saying we are all like dead leaves?
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90 Human Paladin

I see.

Mormel likes -that- kind of anime.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Or the modern j-metal band Thousand Leaves. But that would imply a latent metalhead and frankly I just don't see it.

In other news A FINNIE POST. Y'know its been theorized that humans operate with a limited reserve of willpower; energy you expend resisting one vice weakens you toward others.

Needless to say after getting a good hard dose of Araneon, I've been gravitating towards chocolate and homicide like all day.
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/04/2014 07:23 PMPosted by Liore
Needless to say after getting a good hard dose of Araneon, I've been gravitating towards chocolate and homicide like all day.

Sheer willpower has been keeping me away from the latter for close to twenty years. Thus, my gravitation has gone to the former. *chuckles*
Edited by Rakeri on 8/4/2014 8:31 PM PDT
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Tremble mortals, for I have returned, and -

*trips on his own roots, jettisoning several squirrels from his branches*

Crap. I forgot how to walk again.
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