Shading her eyes from the late afternoon sun, Azheira left the Wyvern’s Tail, her bare feet making no sound on the wooden steps. A hint of a smile, faint and enigmatic pulled the corners of her lips up as if she had a secret. She was quite pleased with herself. The meeting had gone well enough and the results should be enjoyable to watch.
Her shadow leaned away from the outside wall of the building, clomping after Azheira, lifeless eyes almost appearing curious as she followed the paladin towards The Drag.
“Not a word, Falchion,” Azheira admonished, her eyes narrowing in what might have passed for severity but for the spark of a grin still hovering there.
The Guttersnipe female, loyal to the Inquisitor, but becoming even more devoted to this petite elf (wink, wink) she had been assigned to watch, nodded. “Of course, Miss. I couldn’t hear a word of what you were saying to those people in there. Not a word will pass my lips.” The ever-present sword at her side banged against her thigh when she stopped abruptly. “Well, they aren’t my lips. Or, they weren’t my lips. But they are now and I promise I won’t tell a soul with them!” With the mouth that was not originally hers, Falchion attempted a grin. It looked more like a sneer, but the sentiment was clearly there.
Azheira couldn’t help but laugh. “We may just get along yet, Falchi-chi.”