The Shattering- It's like we skipped a month

85 Night Elf Priest
I pretty much said this in the other thread, but anyway...

The timeline is always a fuzzy, fairly arbitrary thing; we go through this every expansion. Sometimes we're supposed to believe that a lot less time has passed than in real time, sometimes more. Ultimately, I just think we shouldn't worry about it. We aren't going to all come to an agreement anyway, unless Blizzard definitely tells us what the deal is.

As for how we should properly interpret updated content... No one batted an eye when the Harbor mysteriously showed up. Yes, the implication was that it was already there the whole time, but just like every other graphic update (like all of Stormwind now), you just have to relax and not let it ruin your "immersion." Consider most repairs, etc. a gradual, ongoing thing and don't worry if the timeline doesn't line up perfectly. We don't need to believe that after six years, the bridge in Lakeshire suddenly got fixed last night, just like that.

Ultimately, it just doesn't matter much. We can't sweat all the little details. We shouldn't have to miss out on the immediate, reactive RP we've all been waiting for, IMO. We always have to be flexible, sometimes really, really flexible. If you can't handle a good deal of ambiguity in your RP, this really isn't your game.
Edited by Talumas on 11/23/2010 7:24 PM PST
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80 Blood Elf Paladin
I pretty much said this in the other thread, but anyway...

The timeline is always a fuzzy, fairly arbitrary thing; we go through this every expansion. Sometimes we're supposed to believe that a lot less time has passed than in real time, sometimes more. Ultimately, I just think we shouldn't worry about it. We aren't going to all come to an agreement anyway, unless Blizzard definitely tells us what the deal is.

As for how we should properly interpret updated content... No one batted an eye when the Harbor mysteriously showed up. Yes, the implication was that it was already there the whole time, but just like every other graphic update (like all of Stormwind now), you just have to relax and not let it ruin your "immersion." Consider most repairs, etc. a gradual, ongoing thing and don't worry if the timeline doesn't line up perfectly.

Ultimately, it just doesn't matter much. We shouldn't have to miss out on the immediate, reactive RP we've all been waiting for, IMO. If you can't handle a good deal of ambiguity in your RP, this isn't your game.

It does matter to know what the general time line is. Someone has a blood elf they claimed 'grew up' in Orgrimar, well... given the time line (among other issues) that's flat out impossible.

It rather matters to me because it gets annoying and confusing real fast when everyone decides on their own how much time passes. My alt is pregnant, and was about three months from giving birth so if its been only a month, she's still pregnant, if its been longer she's either got an infant or a toddler depending on how much time has passed.

I'm waiting for a defined date to be pinned down by blizzard (not this vauge 'read the book and check our new website for clues!') before I decide anything and I know for a fact I'm not the only RPer holding back till more information is presented.

Gives time to explore and make new alts. *shrug*
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