are rogues needed ? or should i roll something else
Most needed on this realm?
83 Human Rogue
well i just want to be helpful to a team/guild
The way to do that would be to play whichever class you like well. As Amae said, there is a dearth of "talented" players on this server, regardless of class.
Play whatever, play it well, and you'll find your place.
Just make sure that place is horde.
Oh yeah, and don't be a jerk, that's probably the biggest thing.
Welcome to CC.
Edit To Add: no more druids. Please, for the love of all that is holy, NO MORE DRUIDS.
Just make sure that place is horde.
Oh yeah, and don't be a jerk, that's probably the biggest thing.
Welcome to CC.
Edit To Add: no more druids. Please, for the love of all that is holy, NO MORE DRUIDS.
Edited by Plainswander on 11/23/2010 2:56 PM PST
This realm needs more Leo.
Role players.
Role players.
This a million times this.
But what if it is a RP Druid?
Seriously though, stop with the Druids. We know the Troll kitty form is cool, but we don't need 15,000 of them. Now where is that race change thing on here?
Seriously though, stop with the Druids. We know the Troll kitty form is cool, but we don't need 15,000 of them. Now where is that race change thing on here?
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