Letter for the Kinship--Tyr's Hand

88 Dwarf Paladin
Dollraema had been headed towards Rasmira's chambers when she was intercepted by a mail carrier. An urgent message had come for the Harbringer, the wax seal representing the Argent Crusade. Immediately, she went to Miss Embershade who asked her to read the letter aloud. Dollraema's voice echoed in the empty chamber as she read:

"Rasmira Embershade,

We write with haste to inform you that the Kinship of the Fallen may move, with the blessing of the Light, to Tyr's Hand and occupy said territory as their home. Whilst the territory would remain our own, we welcome you to enjoy the variety of buildings for your people, along with our vast library, beautiful beaches, and the blacksmith forge. The Ruins of the Scarlet Enclave are quite run down, but you're free to use them as well if you see fit. A few men will remain stationed in the town, but do not mind them.

We request you allow us a week to finish removing our supplies before your Kin move in. We welcome you to Tyr's Hand and may the Light be with you.

The Argent Crusade"

Lowering the letter, Dollraema smiled at Miss Embershade, excited for the move to their new home.

((We, the Kinship of the Fallen, look forward to moving to Cenarion Circle and appreciate the hospitality we've already received from the community! Many members from our guild are remaining and will move with us or create new characters, but once moved we will make a recruitment post encouraging any that wish to join. Thank you!))
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100 Night Elf Priest
(( It has taken a lot of thought on my part to make this choice to move. Ive been an active member of the rp-pvp realm emerald dream since, well classic. through the years ive discovered i enjoy every aspect of the game, but my true happiness lies in RP. So it was with that that i made the call to start looking for an RP realm where tyrs hand was not in use. We have found nothing here but a friendly, welcoming attitudes and we all look forward to joining the RP community!! ))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((Welcome to Cenarion Circle.

As a guy whose human characters have predominantly been northerners, it's nice to have more people based out of Lordaeron, I have to say; though Pia Presidium is based predominantly in Hearthglen, there are a number of other places (Tyr's Hand as you guys are looking at, and the Scarlet Enclave to a degree) which can also serve as a good place for RP.

Question, though: Tyr's Hand doesn't phase because of the quests involved there, does it? That's always a problem when choosing a hub for RP; I've run into a few problems with trying to have RP in Pandaria and Cata areas for much that reason.))
Edited by Ketiron on 1/8/2014 1:57 AM PST
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90 Night Elf Priest
((Coming from a rp-pvp server when i chose tyr's hand as our rp hub the fact it is phased was actually a good thing, seeing as how in order to have the empty tyrs hand you had to do a lvl 40 quest chain it was a deterrence for wpvpers/trolls to drop in on us and attack or disturb us. So yes tyrs hand is phased, but i feel doing the short lvl 40 quest chain to unlock it is well worth the amazing area to RP in :) ))
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100 Human Priest
((Welcome to CC from one of your "neighbors" . . . or something close to one. Terra Incognita's based out of Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands. I'd love to run into more RP up in those zones!))
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100 Gnome Priest
((Very good to hear from you! I'm happy to see you and yours are making the move. I haven't spent much time RPing north of stormwind so I am excited to see fresh faces that aren't in the "usual" places. :)
Do make a post when you're all set up, I would like very much to pay an OOC visit and see what the Kinship is all about! :)

Welcome to Cenarion Circle!))

((Out of curiosity, aside from Terra and Pia, are there any other guilds/groups active north of Ironforge?))
Edited by Caileanmor on 1/8/2014 11:28 AM PST
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100 Night Elf Priest
(( we are all very exited and iam giving myself and my guys a chance to see the server and its RP first hand. i wasnt able to attend the light and you event last night but i got good reports form my people who came. I am AMAZED at how friendly the RP community is here. Once we are settled into the server and have our guys set at tyrs hand we will be making a post here about it and we plan to carry over all the things from our old server, including our two monthly events which will be held at tyrs hand, and open to the public for everyone to come and enjoy. I am very excited to meet all the other people, GMs, and guilds. it was very difficult on the last server to get inter guild connections and events going so i cant wait to see what things we can get going here! and id like to thank everyone for making us all feel so welcome! i made a toon over there under the same name, rasmira so anyone is free to whisper me if you have questions about our guild, or are interested in setting up any form of RP with us when we get officially settled ))
Edited by Rasmira on 1/9/2014 6:01 AM PST
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((I may have to pay a visit to the East

Either way, welcome!))
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100 Human Paladin
((I just want to extend a warm welcome to you all. It was so nice to see so many of you at Light and You last night, everyone was great! It is always nice to see more rp guilds come to the server. I am looking forward to getting to know you all a little better.))
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100 Human Priest
((And to Cyntthia, I apologize for chasing you off last night; Genevra did have to speak with Orwyn on something. And Orwyn practicing his statue impersonation was what gave me an IC opening, heh heh.))
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100 Night Elf Priest
(( iam sorry i missed the event, looking forward tot he next one though! and once again thank you to everyone who is making us feel so welcome. Very excited to RP with all of you. ))
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl looked at the message on her desk and got up to refill her coffee. Just then her lower right hand desk drawer opened and she tripped over it, sending her tail over tea kettle. Aaron, the orphan they had taken in, dashed in when he heard the commotion and caught her coffee cup. A gnome peered around the desk from the drawer at her. "You need to be more careful, Sepha. You could break something. Honestly. I don't know how you survive going in the pits with the Commander. He must have his hands full fighting the horde and trying to keep you alive too."

"He doesn't have gnomes popping up like moles in front of him while he's fighting, nor do I. Why are you sleeping in my desk again?"

"I was keeping Iecia's bed warm. I miss her."

Gentyl got up from the floor, took the cup and refilled it and returned to her desk. "Thank you, Aaron. Are you the one that left this message on my desk?"

"Yes, Sepha. A messenger left it while you were sleeping in."

She raised an eyebrow. "I didn't get in until four this morning, so I really wasn't sleeping in much if I slept until eight."

"If you say so, Sepha. Did you have a good time? Do you want everyone to be quiet?"

"I wasn't drinking. We were chasing horde."

"Of course. I'll tell everyone to be quiet."

He stepped outside the office and yelled. "Everyone be quiet. Sepha has one of her special headaches!"

Gentyl sighed and sat down. "We have a new order moving into the area. We'll need to put the tailors to work and make some bags and welcome presents for them. I'll look through the pet barn and get some things gathered up."

Abon giggled and hopped out of her bed. "Do I get to deliver them?"

"Only if you promise not to try and sell them anything or hit on any of the men."

Abon looked aghast. "Why Sepha! I never heard of such a thing. Your mind is filled with filth and mistrust these days." Abon whistled merrily. "Now what to wear, oh, and mustn't forget to pack the wedding dress just in case."

((Welcome to CC. Be expecting some deliveries from Abon!))
Edited by Gentyl on 1/12/2014 11:28 AM PST
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100 Human Mage
"Great" Imperon said. The word was spoken with enough vehemence to make Commander Kitryn look up from the diary she'd been writing in. The draenic woman had been waiting to get her boss' attention for nearly ten minutes.

"Is something wrong?" She asked. Imperon looked up from the multi-page report he'd been studying since she'd arrived and blinked several times. It was entirely possible he actually hadn't noticed her yet. But, his surprised look aside, she didn't think he'd failed to note her presence.

"The Arrogant Crusade is leasing their Tyr's Hand holdings to some..." he paused and looked at the report again "....group called the Kinship of the Fallen. Sounds like a pretty standard batch of 'hey look an undead kill it' fools, but it puts me in a killing mood all the same."

"Because of Corin's Crossing?" The research outpost and fortifications near the still-Scourged village of Corin's Crossing held the only Lluchduu Ocheliad presence in the nation of Lordaeron.

"Specifically because Ardam and Commander Cyrus' interests in Corin's Crossing. Neither man is going to be happy about new neighbors - I'm not happy about new neighbors! - with an interest in getting rid of the undead there. We managed to keep the Arrogant Crusade from touching the place outside of the occasional small raid and I'd rather it stay that way."

Imperon leaned his chair back and throw both feet up onto his desk. He pretended not to see Kitryn's scowl. "Despite all the trouble the Presidium or Terribly Incontinent have-" This time Kitryn's scowl did get through to him. "I mean Terra Incognita have caused us in the past, neither have felt like expending the resources it would take to logistically support a serious assault on the Crossing. But this Kinship will have the Crossing almost in their front yard. Our efforts could be set back years if their leadership is less amenable to our aggressive bargaining than the Crusade's."

Kitryn closed her diary, set it on Imperon's desk and walked around behind it to where Imperon sat, one finger scratching at his beard as he mulled the problem over. "This isn't a problem, Imp, it's an opportunity. Reinforce our fortifications there and make sure this Kinship knows not to poke their noses into our business. Let Commander Cyrus handle the troops there, maybe send Marshal Haelolin and some more troops as reinforcements. If they're just another holy order then they won't push us too much, not after one or two clashes at least. If they're truly interested in conflict, let Ardam have them."

By the time she'd quit talking, Imperon was nodding. "I knew there was a reason I keep you around, Kit." He said, grinning at her.

"That had better not be the only reason, Imp." She told him. "I'll inform Cyrus and Haelolin. You write up the official orders." She reclaimed her diary as she headed for the door. Her personal business with Imperon would have to wait, duty called.

((Welcome to Cenarion Circle! I've had the pleasure of role playing with several of your members in Stormwind and I'm quite certain you'll make a wonderful addition to our community.

I believe I'll try to get the Ocheliad more active in the Corin's Crossing area once more of your people have settled in at Tyr's Hand. That'll put four RP guilds with a real presence on the northern continent and should help spur plenty of role play.))
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90 Night Elf Priest
(( i loved reading the two posts here we are still working on getting our RP established here before we go full on into our RP. I figured with a new realm and us doing our own little personal RPs it would be better to let everyone get a handle on the RP before we start anything major, you will see us around the city, as well as around the world sicne the majority of people couldnt aford character Xfers so alot of us are taking time to re level toons but we are here and with in the week you should be seeing another psot from us! looking forward to RPing with everyone and as always if anyone has questions or an interest in setting up some RP with us feel free to whisper me! ))
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90 Worgen Warrior
((Hello everyone! I'm part of the kinship and I just wanted to offer the invitation to look me up for RP at any time! I'm normally on my new main, Daishilz, but I can also be found on Vestamare, Velerune or Zerestro! Look forward to meeting and playing with all of you! Already had a run in with a few that have turned out to be quite interesting.))
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90 Night Elf Priest
(( just an update for those following our move to CC, we are still working on getting the last things settled and we plan on having it done with in the next few days, a good portion of our guys have been leveling and getting set up, and again any one interested in setting up any RP with the guild feel free to contact me! ))
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