Last night.....

I went to Camp Taurajo. Or, what is left of Camp Taurajo.

I stood there, in front of the burned out shell of the building where the AAMS was officially founded, where we had our first real guildmeeting.

I watched as human scum looted the bodies of my former teachers and countrymen.

And I killed every single bloody one of them.

((Edit: this is the first Cataclysm change that has affected me as a person, and not just a character. Seeing a place that had become as real to me as any other "place" in the outside world destroyed and left to burn was.... quite the experience. And I'm going to take great delight in perdiodically razing Northwatch Hold to the ground.))
Edited by Plainswander on 11/24/2010 10:09 AM PST
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85 Dwarf Warrior
((Completely understand what you are talking about. When I saw what happened to Loch Modan, I got a little bit angry. Not at the game developers at all, because it's good, but it was almost like a bit of Para and thus me was in that lake.))
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85 Human Paladin

I too have seen the remains of Camp Taurajo and congratulate you on your decimation of those looters. Everyone of em deserved what they got.

But I caution you. Do not go beyond that. I am sworn to defend all under alliance protection. I do not wish any more conflict with you than is necessary.
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85 Human Paladin
Commander Hawthorne is the only reason Taurajo has survivors. You want to kill him fine. We're at war and that's your right to try but at least know your reasons for it.
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100 Night Elf Priest
((When I saw that place, even though it had no significance to me as a player or Trol as a character, I was saddened. I have yet to make a tour of the EK, but in a quick run-through of Kalimdor I was . . . well, I wished I could have killed those freeloaders and looters myself.))
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100 Undead Warrior
"We ssshall feassst upon their liversss, and bathe in a sssea of blood, yesss!"

Abominus looks around at all the folk staring at him.

"What, yesss?"

A Tauren says, " So, you are upset that Camp Taurajo is destroyed? You want revenge?"

Abominus blinks uncomprehendingly.

"No, we jussst want to eat liversss, yesss."
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85 Worgen Rogue
[ I understand completely. I myself will personally see to it that Vanessa VanCleef dies a thousand deaths to pay for Old Blanchy. I don't know why, but I took a shine to that old horse the first time I went to Westfall, more than any other thing in-game I saw..]
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85 Night Elf Druid
I submit a turn of the tables, I spent a good deal of my time in Ashenvale, and more specifically Silverwind Refugee. I now slaughter every Horde I see when i am in that area of the world. (I also use spring robes to plant flowers at the elvish bodies....IC of course *cough*)
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((Got to say I'm with Paranitis - there's a whole lot of Hevatia in that old Loch, and that Loch is no more. Even though Hevatia's retired until further notice, I still get a little upset on her behalf every time I see that dried-up lake bed.))
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
From what I can see of Ashenvale, though, that is a pure military advancement. Cruel? Perhaps, but I have yet to see the same disregard that the freeloaders and looters of Taurajo show.

Of course, feel free to push out the clear-cutting goblins and Warsong. It's heart-wrenching to see such a forest destroyed.

((Ashenvale was my first taste of "Wow... this game is huge!" and I felt horrible for being a Hordie when I went through the quests there.))
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100 Worgen Rogue
Trust me, I won't just be "pushing them out" when I get at those Goblins.

Maybe I'll be nice and leave something for loved ones to recognize - if Goblins have "loved ones" and not just partners in crime.

As for Taurajo... I agree. It's an unpleasant topic, but... it was a military move for military purposes. It was supplying the Horde's war efforts in the region. Hawthorne made sure there was a gap in the lines in hopes that civilians could escape with their lives. The looters are deserters from after the attack, and Hawthorne sent men back in to arrest them, and deal with the ones who don't come quietly.
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