Stupid human tents!

80 Blood Elf Paladin
I keep trying to load up wow and get strange errors. One that sticks out is 'failed to load humantentlarge.fileextionthingy'

So I'm laying the blame where this belongs.


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85 Gnome Priest
I believe "tent" is short for "tentacle". All humans are octopi in disguise.
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80 Blood Elf Paladin
Its a new tent this time!

Failed to read file world\generic\buildings\humantentlarge\

See, it has 00 on the end...


I managed to log in for awhile earlier, no clue what changed during the time I logged to eat dinner and watch some Law and Order... I'm a sucker for Lenny.
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80 Blood Elf Paladin
Sounds like some sort of file corruption. You use the Launcher correct?

In addition, I'd run the repair utility.

Right after the servers went live i was able to log on and played a gnome through the new starting area. I logged, grabbed some pizza and watched an hour of Law and Order, tried to log back on and was given the 134 error over and over again, no clue what changed while I was offline!

Anyway, I deleted the folders blizz says to, got rid of all the addons (in the folder deletion of course), ran the repair and launched from the launcher in the WoW folder. None of it worked, about to try again today hopefully the restart last night did some good!
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80 Blood Elf Paladin
Nope still bugging out, finally reported it on the technical support forum. I'll probably be told to do the same stuff... I've already done :P I just hope I don't have to reinstall, that takes for bloody ever.

Oh well I'll install the game on my laptop and see if I keep getting the error.
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90 Gnome Mage
With error 134, you need to run the repair tool and if that doesn't work, uninstall the game, download the streaming installer, and install the game over again.
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80 Blood Elf Paladin
With error 134, you need to run the repair tool and if that doesn't work, uninstall the game, download the streaming installer, and install the game over again.

Middle of allllll that right now. *sigh*
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