Two steps forward, one leap back

100 Draenei Warrior
Carefully she placed the rolled leather strap into her mouth. Her teeth bit down softly. In her right hand she held a broken mirror. Her reflection looked tired. Tear streaked cheeks and weary eyes looked back at her. She had overheard Cyrus and Azheria talking. Although they meant well, she would not allow anyone to receive the memories that rampaged through her mind. Her word would not allow it.

Sitting in the middle of her cell she breathed out, one by one she let the mental barriers in her mind crumble and fall. As if sensing the change, the surge began to rise. Tears began to flow freely as the memories slammed into her. Her great iron will began to falter. The memories bore into her skull, ripping through countless barriers as if cobwebs on a dusty shelf. Her jaw clenched down on the strap in an attempt to keep from crying out. The memories were no longer foreign; they now resided within her. Her hands trembled at what came next.

The driving force that drove the memories finally showed its hideous face. It taunted her and laughed. She knew she was defenseless. Her barriers were down and she knew this was the price. The change was cruel, it wasn't quick, but instead took its time. The leather strap fell from her mouth as she wept freely, feeling her conscience shatterd and her morals dwindle to what they were in the past. Her soul lashed out in a feeble attempt to save what was left as her head dropped. The divine power within her created a barrier around her core protecting the very essence of what she had strove so hard to become. In the final moments she thought she heard a voice. The voice spoke the simple words “I’m sorry my child”.

Noikona stood, and walked to her bed. Her body shuddered and she took a breath. She no longer cared to take the life of the man she had only a few hours ago hunted. She now understood like herself he was a survivor. He did what he had to. As long as he didn’t threaten the ones she loved then he was free to live and do as he pleased. A knot built up in her throat as she welcomed the feeling of love. Maybe not all was lost.
Edited by Noikona on 1/15/2014 6:37 PM PST
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90 Human Paladin
Her toes dug in the soft dirt, finding warmth there even as the cool water lapped at her ankles. Pale blue eyes pensively scanned the sea and she was comforted as she watched the water rise and fall across the horizon. A soft gasp escaped her lips as one wave came in a bit higher than the others. It hit her shins and soaked the hem of her dress that held at knee length.

Thoughts of her friend, Noikona, filled her head. Her friend! To think that is what they were now was mind boggling. It still astounded the paladin to realize she had someone who would accept her, no matter what. But now, Noikona needed her. The warrior’s collapse outside the Recluse last night had worried Azheira far more than she had let on. Cyrus’ offer of help was some comfort, but the break of day had brought back all the worry and concern she felt for her friend.

She pulled her feet out of the wet soil’s warmth and dropped her dress down to her ankles as she made her way up the bank. She lifted her eyes to search the sky for her cloud serpent. A low, melodic whistle through pursed lips soon brought the magnificent creature to alight beside her. He seemed to sense her discomfort as he shifted to allow her to mount him for the flight to Stormwind.

She must find Noikona. She must find her friend.
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