The Rise of a Guild [A-RP, closed]

90 Night Elf Druid
~The Arrival~

Alex looked up at the sun beating down on her, her feathers were hot and she could feel them sticking together as she caught an updraft, she knew it would be like this from now on. A stark contrast to the rainy hills of Gilneas, now instead they would be occupying a dune filled land, the only water found at the coasts. She glared across the vast lands of Tenaris, they had just taken the portal from Dalaran to the Cavern of Time, the mightily bronze drake that guarded its entry watching them with aged eyes. Her mind danced at the though of using the portal system from now on, she hated what it did to her mind, all the voices shrieking at once, it could drive her mad if she let it.

She looked down at the party below, keeping an ever-vigilant eye on the four. Aschaere, a mighty worgen to behold over 8 feet tall and a powerful shadow mage. Ruzza, the tricky little human that had come to her about a year ago holding a deed in her bloodied hands and offering her allegiances to whomever had the most to grant her. Vainaa, a rather new member but fierce and strong, a good fit for their band, she would go far. And Kharadrin, Alex chuckled softly as he nearly fell out of his gryphon’s saddle, not even noon and he was still drunk from the night before. She wondered to herself if he ever stopped drinking, though he was a brilliant strategist so she would not argue with his intellect.

The druidess looked back up, this time to the distance, the small goblin town of Gadgetzan appearing from behind a great dune. She cawed loudly, the party descending as they neared the outskirts of the small town. As the party below landed Alex circled twice before turning and diving towards the earth, tucking her wings as she descended from the heights she watches as the drakes the party had been using lighted and flew towards the coast, no doubt on Aschaere’s command. She unfurled her wings as she neared the ground then shifted forms, falling into a kneel just behind Aschaere. The three behind her following suit as the worgen stood tall, his hands clasped behind his back staring stoically towards the town.

Alex welcomed the coolness of her cowl as her face was hidden in the darkness of her hood, even with the blinding hot dessert surrounding them, an air of darkness emitted from the hoods interior. “Lord Aschaere, what do you wish.” She kept her head down as the worgen spoke.

“This town, this.. hovel, filled with thieves, traders and common folk alike. I wish to make this our base of operations. We shall make our business here.” Dark energy danced around his fingers as he spoke “And we shall build our home here, a home for us bandits, murderers, thieves and ruffians alike.” He looked down “Go let the mayor know, we have arrived.”

Alex looked up, the distinct red glow of her eyes peering over the sands to the town before her.
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90 Night Elf Druid
~The Base~

Alex sat with her feet propped upon a table, it had been a week since they had arrived and a few of the brawlers of the city still showed the signs of it. Many of the guild sat in the cool tavern, talking amongst themselves all of them excited about their new home. Alex looked out the door, which was positioned in front of her, watching as ant sized men carted sand and stone in and out of the dune side just outside of the city. They had drawn up plans for their base building to be much like an anthill carved into the dunes surrounding the city, sand was taken out and in its place stone set down so that the tunnels and rooms would be supported.

She looked over at Aschaere, who was brushing sand out of his clothing “When do you intend to move into the barracks, Lord Aschaere.”

He glared at the night elf which only brought a smirk to her lips, “When I am certain that none of this damnable sand will get everywhere in my tomes and clothing.”

“And fur?” she chuckled as she huffed and looked away. His room would be at the top of the dune, a window overlooking the town and a window overlooking the sea. It had been difficult finding a way for the windows to not be covered in sand but she believed the builders could manage. “I read through you letters as you asked, -He- said he would be coming to move into the barracks.” All sound stopped in the bar, Aschaere’s ear flicking slightly. Alex scanned the rest of the room, Vainaa watched her with an unwavering gaze as she stood near the doorway. Kharadrin and Toki both looked up from the drinks they had been talking over before casting each other a wary glace. Rhonda looked up from the card game she Lir and Vaas had been playing, and Kearreanne paused her grooming of what looked like a lemur.

“Did he give the specifics for his room.” The worgen cast his eyes at the elf.

Leaning back her chair Alex scratched aimlessly at the wall. “He wishes to be situated by the water wells. Undisturbed and unseen, you know his ways.” She hummed, the man they all worked for, she described him as a terrifying figure clad in black plate armor, caked with the blood of his foes. She had only been in his presence once, and once was enough. The wells she had spoken of were from a deep underground water system; they took water from the ocean, which had been filtered by the sand and put it into great wells and tubs, kept cool in the deep earth.

“Do you know why he comes so soon?” Alex jumped as she came back from her thoughts, Aschaere still looking at her.

“I don’t understand why you ask me, I am but your humble scribe and servant, remember.” She chuckled as the worgen huffed and the people in the bar went back to their conversations. She scratched at the wall a bit more, once again lost in her thought.
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90 Night Elf Druid
((I just wanted to write a bit about our guild. We are recruiting by the way so people are welcome. I do hope it was a good read))
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100 Human Warlock
The dark robed man leaned against the wall, watching the construction as sand blew every which way and the Observer beside him bobbed up and down irritated.

"Sand, of all the has to be sand."

With a bright flash of green felflame, the sand in the man's hand turned to glass, before he crunched it into glittering dust.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Alex glanced over to the man

"Quit your grumbling, you have a perfectly wonderful home being built for you in an isolated place where you can practice all your..." She eyes the man up and down "Well, whatever it is you do."
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100 Human Warlock
Grim shrugged and let the glittering dust drift away on the wind.

"I do what you ask, mostly.... Coincidentally that happens to be decimating our competition and acquisition of choice commodities of reputable origin and destination."

The demon beside him continued to bob up and down with displeasure.
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90 Night Elf Druid
"Don't forget, you have higher ups then me. I'm sure Lord Aschaere would be happy to remind you that." She chuckles softly.
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100 Human Warlock
"Of course, him, Kharadrin, the that other person whom you do not discuss and speak never in name only in passing. They tend to avoid me though, preferable considering my arts, but strange considering how similar myself and Lord Aschaere are."

Pushing himself off the wall and with a hoarse cough, he stretches his arms and fingers, feeling the warm dry air blow into his hood where his hidden eyes watched Alexithima closely. Finally with snap an Eye of Kilrogg appears over his shoulder, staring unblinkingly at the female elf.

"Don't think I don't keep track of everyone. I've had bad deals and I couldn't care less what we do until I catch whiff that I am about to be burned in the back. I won't pry, but I'm always wary. I'll do as I'm told, provided we see the profits promised, the quiet of my quarters, and the...comradeship I lack outside of cities. I've pledged to help you, and those above you. Else I wouldn't be here. I may be new to you, but not the lifestyle."

With a second snap, the eye vanished back into invisibility. "What -do- you think of me Alexithima, obviously you expect something from me, else you would not have brought me?"
Edited by Tyvian on 1/25/2014 9:58 AM PST
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