Greetings! I am curious on what Alliance RP is like over here =D, looking for a good RP realm to level an alliance toon on ^_^
Question about Alliance RP wise.
This is the character I am considering transferring over here =D. I was going to level but I love my Druid to much to leave her behind, and I have a story I would love to do with her =D
I just need to find her a place to call home =)
I just need to find her a place to call home =)
In my opinion the Alliance RP is rather good. :)
There is not a lot of walk up RP that happens (unless you count gnome-tripping). Most of it is based around guild sponsored events. Also, the Blue Recluse (a bar in the Mage District of Stormwind - in case you aren't familiar with it) can be a great place to meet other role players.
I would highly recommend joining the ooc channel - AllianceOOC, and introducing yourself. Everyone is very friendly and will be happy to tell you about the various RP events going on during the week as well as help you find a guild if you want that.
In my opinion the Alliance RP is rather good. :)
There is not a lot of walk up RP that happens (unless you count gnome-tripping). Most of it is based around guild sponsored events. Also, the Blue Recluse (a bar in the Mage District of Stormwind - in case you aren't familiar with it) can be a great place to meet other role players.
I would highly recommend joining the ooc channel - AllianceOOC, and introducing yourself. Everyone is very friendly and will be happy to tell you about the various RP events going on during the week as well as help you find a guild if you want that.
Thanks! I'm pretty set on this realm, I do have characters in WrA and MG but they just don't do it for me. I'm looking to be moved here soon =D
CC is strongly geared to walk up RP (my opinion and I am sticking with it). I do usually look to see if the character is running MRP before I do though. You won’t hear shouts in general or trade for some crazy RP fail session that has no meaningful story (well you will but it will be CRZ). Characters and plots on CC are long lasting. Several stories are tied to characters and their guilds. There are also many of us that cross guild RP (which can get you in trouble) and we also have cross faction RP with the help of interpreters. CC also had regular planned weekly events. These can help new characters coming in to better immerse themselves in what is going on. Lastly the people here are friendly and separate OOC and IC very well.
*stares up at Azheria* that counts as walk up... ... sort of 0:)
(unless you count gnome-tripping).
*stares up at Azheria* that counts as walk up... ... sort of 0:)
I am a relative newcomer to Cenarion Circle. I have found the server to be welcoming and there's plenty of RP around, it can just take a bit to find it. The Blue Recluse in Stormwind is one hangout. There are also various weekly RP events, ranging from the Clinic (where the injured can come to get treated), to Troubadour Night (where folks can come and tell stories, fables, sing, etc), to the new "Tavern Night".
So, there's lots to do. Even before you've selected a guild. Also, drop in the Alliance OOC channel and say hello. Cenarion Circle is just a really friendly place.
So, there's lots to do. Even before you've selected a guild. Also, drop in the Alliance OOC channel and say hello. Cenarion Circle is just a really friendly place.
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