Looking for Nalak Kill

Does anyone still kill Nalak regularly? I'm on that leg of the Cloak line, and would like to stick Captain Grumpy Lizard with my spork of glowy death.

Any info would be appreciated, thanks.
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90 Night Elf Druid
You don't actually need to kill him. Get a friend to aggro him while you throw the spear, and you can kite the mob that spawns until it dies while Nalak despawns.
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The purple druid speaks true. Just need a healer and a tank, and you can kite the add.
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So noted, thanks.

Now, to find a .... what're they called? Right...friend.

Oh no.

Taking to people!

/skitters back under rock
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90 Human Warrior
If your looking for meat shields to hold Nalak's attention long enough my brother and I can do the job for you. We've assisted a couple of folks so far this way.
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90 Night Elf Druid
I did this solo.

I stood on the stairs, used the spear, then ran up the stairs to despawn nalak, the add remained and i was able to kill it no problem.
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100 Undead Priest
I did this solo.

I stood on the stairs, used the spear, then ran up the stairs to despawn nalak, the add remained and i was able to kill it no problem.

A'yup. This here plan worked for me, too.
Edited by Knowles on 1/15/2014 10:59 PM PST
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90 Human Monk
I found it more reliable to use a pet (Force of Nature should work) to hold aggro on Nalak while running away.
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Got it done with the help of an awesome Shieldie. Tried soloing it a bunch, but Nalak just kept coming round the corner and eating my face.
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