Master Post - Racial Lore Guides: Horde


85 Worgen Rogue
This is such a great post, especially since I started out playing horde and I've played it for several years. (I only recently started playing the Alliance.) I really love the RP tips.
Edited by Shrodinger on 6/19/2011 12:17 PM PDT
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50 Undead Mage
11/26/2010 07:38 PMPosted by Allarya
Human flesh is delicious.

Yes. Yes it is.
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61 Blood Elf Rogue
Blood elves focus on the trivialities and on rigid order and rank definitions because doing otherwise might actually make them take a good, hard look at the past seven years and all they've lost. Keep that in the back of your mind, because that is what defines blood elves as a people.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding this, but it seems like a contradiction to the rogue class. (See here:

I like all the information here, it's very thorough and well done. However, I agree with some of the other critics who dislike the black and white nature of it. There are always exceptions. Although I think this guide is a good template for potential God-mode RPers, though.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Overall a great guide for starters. I would love to see one for goblins as well.
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85 Troll Druid
Now I'm just going by what I've read and what not so far, but here's some things to add to the taurens that I think are needed what with Cata coming out and all that Grimtotem fun. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or what not!


There is a large divide here, specifically what with the fact that the leader of this tribe, one bad !@# Magatha um..oh I dunno, manipulated some things and killed Cairne. Generally the rule is as follows. Grimtotem + Horde Taurens = Lots of blood. And Gore. And more blood.

Is this a rule? Can no one play Grimtotems? Not true! I myself have one! -However- new players should steer clear for a few reasons!

This sucks but it's something close to that whole kidney-punch at the Wrath gate. Your leader pulls the bad, you all get painted for it. Now pretty much all the the Grimtotem left with Magatha. The rare, and I mean rare tauren that chose to break from the Grimtotems [thereby being marked for death as a cowardly traitor forever. Like..strangle you and leave your body stuck on a pike somewhere marked for death] had better get used to suspicion and in some cases, outright hostility.

No really, you're not. The Grimtotem, according to the wiki, have always thought that Cairne's peaceful interactions were a bad idea. They have stood firm on the general 'Screw the orcs, we were here first. -ALL- of the land belongs to us' belief and are 100% behind the 'wipe out everything else' banner. Seriously. So if you are one of them, do not walk around sprouting roses and flowers and happy times because your own clan would have ground that sappy stuff out of you with years of hard back-breaking soul crushing work. If that didn't work, they would have just culled you rather then let you dilute their clan with your weakness.

Now do you need to be a bloodthirsty mongrel? No! Of course not! But you won't be super nice either. The wiki makes no mentions of any druids or priests, generally the more level headed gentle classes when compared to the noted warrior and rogue classes [Also very blood thirsty] but I'm sure they have them. This is just a note that perhaps they are in lesser amounts. Easier to be a rage filled tauren with a sword and armor rather then a staff and robes perhaps.

The tauren, obviously, do not like you. Again, kinda killed their leader there so it should be expected. I have read little bits here and there that the Forsaken are rather good friends with the Grimtotems, but that may very well be only the ones that follow Magatha. After all, she wants to kill everything, -they- want to kill everything. It fits. Though I -think- these are non-Horde affiliated Forsaken. The orcs as well frown at you, after all, Thrall considered Cairne to be his brother. On the other hand, Garrosh had no such closeness and would probably praise the Grimtotem brutality you would bring so those following him may like you a little more. Individual players digression there. The other races, I haven't found anything so if anyone has something to add for that, go right ahead.
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100 Human Paladin
07/08/2011 11:16 AMPosted by Gwenlian
Blood elves focus on the trivialities and on rigid order and rank definitions because doing otherwise might actually make them take a good, hard look at the past seven years and all they've lost. Keep that in the back of your mind, because that is what defines blood elves as a people.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding this, but it seems like a contradiction to the rogue class. (See here:

I like all the information here, it's very thorough and well done. However, I agree with some of the other critics who dislike the black and white nature of it. There are always exceptions. Although I think this guide is a good template for potential God-mode RPers, though.

I think they're mainly thinking about Cutthroats and Brigands, many rogues are very loyal people. And some maintain ranks, there are spymasters and the like (I don't think Mattias Shaw is someone quick to change sides at the drop of a few golden coins just to name one person) SI:7 itself deals with sensitive information their loyalty must be absolute.
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79 Draenei Warrior
Ah, I hope you make one for the Alliance lore. It would be incredibly appreciated.
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48 Goblin Warrior
Anyone know where I can find a "How to rp a Goblin" post?
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85 Undead Priest
Openly talking about throwing down the government or otherwise defying the laws of decency would not happen without consequences.

So, could anyone tell me how a group of Forsaken, Blood Elves, and Tauren started shouting that they do not need their Warchief and hated the Horde would be dealt with?

Do you remember what was done with the traitorous scum from the Twilight's Hammer when they began to preach and spread their doomsayer lies in Orgrimmar? I was there personally, as I know a lot of us were so I'll remind you. They were rounded up, chained together like the animals they were, marched through the streets of Orgrimmar as prisoner's & then simply killed. Also keep in mind that was under the rule of the much kinder, gentler Warchief Thrall. Under Warchief Garrosh's strict rule I imagine the punishment to be much more severe & last much, much longer.

((As an aside, to the OP (and OOP's I suppose ;) ) thank you very much for making sure this information survived. This has been very useful on a number of occasions and I personally know a handful of us sneak over from Emerald Dream every so often to go through this info. So, thank you & thanks to the folks that started this originally also))

((*Edit: I speel gud*))
Edited by Kazriel on 12/28/2011 4:53 AM PST
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12/04/2011 04:03 PMPosted by Furk
Anyone know where I can find a "How to rp a Goblin" post?

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85 Blood Elf Priest
I stumbled across this and love it. Now... if only we could get a racial breakdown on DKs >.>
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I can post up a thread on rping a goblin, if everyone would like? I ask, in case one has been posted, however I haven't seen it.
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90 Worgen Druid
11/26/2010 07:25 PMPosted by Allarya
You are not a High Elf. You are not a Half-Elf. High elves and half-elves are Alliance-based. The high elves have thrown in their lot with the Alliance, and the half-elves are half-human, and thus attached to the Alliance. If you are one of these two things and you are playing in the Horde, disguise it. If you are open about this, you will be exiled or, more likely, executed. Play it smart if you must play it at all.

Half-Elves are on the Horde though. Though there are no "named" ones this book which is considered official - states some half elves tossed their lot in with the horde.

Many half-elves currently live in Theramore, having moved there during the third war. Stormwind has the largest population of half-elves anywhere in the world. Few still live in Alliance settlements in Lordaeron. A few wander the Ghostlands of Quel'Thalas, learning what they can of their fallen legacy. Many become scouts just so they can spend long periods of time away from other people. Many choose to establish themselves in major cities, where prejudice is not as large a problem as it is in backwater villages. Some have become independent, and a few have joined the Horde.

Either way they are rare, there are just "more" on Alliance and neither faction seems happy about them.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Has anyone made an outline for RPing as a Val'kyr-risen Forsaken? Some of the things from the "Dead and loving it" section on page one don't really match up too well with more recent undead.
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86 Human Mage
06/10/2012 02:36 PMPosted by Kolaran
Has anyone made an outline for RPing as a Val'kyr-risen Forsaken? Some of the things from the "Dead and loving it" section on page one don't really match up too well with more recent undead.

Genavie, former guild leader of the Scythe of Sylvanas (the guild that Needleteeth was from), wrote a really good series of blog posts about how to properly role-play a Forsaken in Cataclysm. Here's the one outlining how to play a Val'kyr-risen Forsaken:

Sadly, Genavie doesn't play anymore, but she was kind enough to leave her blog up. I highly recommend reading through it if you plan on RPing a Forsaken!
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Is there an alliance version of this..?
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90 Human Paladin
Karob liked this thread.
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65 Blood Elf Paladin
As you work down the Blood Elf quest chains there are many examples of grief - lost villages, lost lockets, lost forests... and the gathering in the Bazaar shows not everyone is happy with the state of affairs under Kael'thas (which is where most low-level quests are still stuck in time...)

There is a type of blood elf who is enduring and loyal, and so I don't really buy the stereotype of a society in a constant state of power struggle (though some factions might be). Hierarchy is the natural result of a long-lived society that is now characterized by its survivors and on a war footing. Quite a lot of what we see as players is military formality. The Blood Elves and the Forsaken both still have the Alliance style formal military protocol, but I don't have the impression civilians would be the same way. They would have social rank, family craft traditions and other features of a old settled society.

What most blood elves are, is grownups - they are very old compared to most races. This means a personality that is playing the long game not out of deviousness, but out of effectiveness. Think of the more reserved and socially adept middle aged people you know - they don't readily show their hand, even when they are being kind.

Paladins associated with the Scryers (BC) or with the Argent Crusade (WotLK) have given themselves over to a cause larger than themselves. The distance between them and their Alliance counterparts is a hand's breadth. The cause of Thrall and the shamans during Cataclysm was worthy, but I can see Blood Elf paladins contemplating disloyalty to Garrosh. I don't have the allergy some folks have to cross-faction roleplay and I can't see why a character might not have severe doubts about the current state of the Horde.

With no real recent lore from Blizz for the Blood Elves it seems to me a group of roleplayers should feel free to take things where they want them without feeling they've gone Sue, at least until Blizz finally gives some official guidance about all the tantalizing plot possibilities left dangling in the Battered Hilt questline.
Edited by Robertta on 10/26/2012 11:37 PM PDT
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