This is such a great post, especially since I started out playing horde and I've played it for several years. (I only recently started playing the Alliance.) I really love the RP tips.
Edited by Shrodinger on 6/19/2011 12:17 PM PDT
Blood elves focus on the trivialities and on rigid order and rank definitions because doing otherwise might actually make them take a good, hard look at the past seven years and all they've lost. Keep that in the back of your mind, because that is what defines blood elves as a people.
07/08/2011 11:16 AMPosted by GwenlianBlood elves focus on the trivialities and on rigid order and rank definitions because doing otherwise might actually make them take a good, hard look at the past seven years and all they've lost. Keep that in the back of your mind, because that is what defines blood elves as a people.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding this, but it seems like a contradiction to the rogue class. (See here:
I like all the information here, it's very thorough and well done. However, I agree with some of the other critics who dislike the black and white nature of it. There are always exceptions. Although I think this guide is a good template for potential God-mode RPers, though.
Openly talking about throwing down the government or otherwise defying the laws of decency would not happen without consequences.
So, could anyone tell me how a group of Forsaken, Blood Elves, and Tauren started shouting that they do not need their Warchief and hated the Horde would be dealt with?
11/26/2010 07:25 PMPosted by AllaryaYou are not a High Elf. You are not a Half-Elf. High elves and half-elves are Alliance-based. The high elves have thrown in their lot with the Alliance, and the half-elves are half-human, and thus attached to the Alliance. If you are one of these two things and you are playing in the Horde, disguise it. If you are open about this, you will be exiled or, more likely, executed. Play it smart if you must play it at all.
Many half-elves currently live in Theramore, having moved there during the third war. Stormwind has the largest population of half-elves anywhere in the world. Few still live in Alliance settlements in Lordaeron. A few wander the Ghostlands of Quel'Thalas, learning what they can of their fallen legacy. Many become scouts just so they can spend long periods of time away from other people. Many choose to establish themselves in major cities, where prejudice is not as large a problem as it is in backwater villages. Some have become independent, and a few have joined the Horde.
06/10/2012 02:36 PMPosted by KolaranHas anyone made an outline for RPing as a Val'kyr-risen Forsaken? Some of the things from the "Dead and loving it" section on page one don't really match up too well with more recent undead.
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