Adopt me! (round two!)

80 Blood Elf Mage
So I posted a thread much like this a month or so back on the old forums, but failed in my quest to find an RP guild on Horde. I have found a guild, but it is more for the future raider than the RPer, which is fine since I have now officially stopped looking, Hordeside.
Allianceside however, I will be rolling a Worgen alt for RP, a few BGs, maybe some instances thrown in there. But mostly for the RP. And so my question is as follows; Are there any Alliance RP guilds which would support firstly a newbie to RP, and secondly, A character which would be both young, and more of a civilian? I wouldn't be leaning into the evil side of things since that wouldn't work with what I have in mind, but I could possibly see her growing into somekind of battlefield medic or the like later on.
I have to read up my worgen lore some before I settle my story, but I intend to try this RP thing whole heartidly since I love Alliance lore, and I always have loved the faction.
Any ideas, pointers, or suggestions for guilds would be fantastic! Guild sites help too, I'd really like to put some thought and research into anything I commit to.
Thanks in advance!
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Oh goodness, there's lots of Horde RP guilds that are very welcoming to newer RPers! I must have missed this on the old forums. Horde-side, join /HordeOOC if you're not already there. We can help point you in the right direction.

There is an equivalent Alliance ooc channel, but I don't know it off-hand, and I'll probably need it too once Cata hits. :) I know there's quite a few RP guilds Alliance side. Good luck!
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85 Human Paladin
Incoming wall o' guild text!

AAMS Alliance Branch - The "Anytime & Anywhere Messanging Service" operates on both factions. Contact Aeldgyth


AZEROTH EXPLORERS GUILD- Pretty much what the name says. They're explorers with an in-character tour of places on Saturdays. Contact Borangan or Zaium


CRIMSON BLADES- A tightly-knit group of adventures seeking to restore the lands of Stormwind. Contact Reuz.or Adrazel.


FEATHERS OF IRON: Its what happens when a bunch of grizzled veterans get together and buy a bar, picking up strays and keeping their hands in as much as they feel like. Leaning to the Chaotic Good side more then any other. contact, Liabelle or Mariiku.


HEROES OF THE DAWN. . A Group of do gooders out to handle the Dawn's dirty work, taking on the enemies of the Light, the horde, the Alliance and any other Worldly Threat. Contact Jekab, Arloz or Zildia No website currently

KAL RRHOM. Gypsyish group who welcome all people, whoever they are. Contact Husvorour or Jenilyn


LLUCHDUU OCHELIAD- They're your outlaws, your villains who are loyal to their leader Imperon Showdah. Imperon is who you want to talk to.


PILLAR OF HONOR - shameless self promotion plug here. We're your standard defend the weak, punish the wicked kinda group. With a weekly event tossed in. Myself or Miriande, Timeus or Croesan are the people to talk to.


Edited by Ehlina on 11/27/2010 8:02 AM PST
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80 Blood Elf Mage
Thanks guys for the replies, I'll start checking them out tonight when I get home! I still have a couple weeks to lurk and randomly pop up ingame before I can create my baby worgen. =)
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