A question on the Sunwalkers

100 Human Paladin
So, I've got an interest in the tauren paladin class. The Sunwalkers as they're called. Do they follow the paladin restrictions and codes, as say the Knights of the Silver Hand? As in, the inability to associate with criminals and lesser types, etc.

Hopefully this thread can turn into a reference point for myself, and others with interest.
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55 Human Death Knight
So far, from what has been put out, no they don't follow the general code. The problem is, not much lore has had time to flourish as they only recently came out. They have an order devoted to An'she(the goddess that gives them the powers of light) but I think that roleplaying a Sunwalker falls more along the lines of roleplaying a proud tauren. Of course you will respect your elders, revere nature, and be inclined to good, but maybe more so as you follow the path. I'd say, at this point it's more up to you.
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Tauren paladins in no way are associated with the holy light, the silver hand, or other paladins in General. It is well known that the tauren worship the Earthmother, well the Earthmother has tow aspects to her...her eyes.

There is Mu'sha , which is the moon. And An'she , the sun. Your average tauren druid follows the teachings of Mu'sha , Sunwalkers use An'she. You see the Tauren realized they were focusing to much on the moon eye and not enough on the sun. So they are only paladins game mechanics wise. Lore wise they are sun druids or druids of the sun. While your average tauren druid is a druid of Mu'sha or the moon. Hope that halped :P
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85 Orc Shaman
Tauren culture does not advocate war or crime in general. All the "evil" tauren were ousted from the Horde when the Grimtotems were exiled. I assume the Sunwalkers are all inherently good and follow the guidelines laid down by Cairne and the Elder Council.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Never forget that they don't use "the holy light"

They use the power of the sun. All the game mechanics don't matter when it comes to lore.

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