The Highborne and their motives.

31 Night Elf Mage
We all know now that the last remaining Highborne have been accepted back into Night Elf society.

But a question I have to ask is why? Why would they wan't to rejoin Night Elf society?

Is it to simply help cleanse the corruption from the world? Or is it something more sinister perhaps?

What do you guys think.
Edited by Aceru on 11/30/2010 12:41 PM PST
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85 Human Mage
We all know now that the last remaining Highborne have been accepted back into Night Elf society.

But a question I have to ask is why? Why would they wan't to rejoin Night Elf society?

Is it to simply help cleanse the corruption from the world? Or is it something more sinister perhaps?

What do you guys think.
No one else wanted them.
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85 Orc Shaman
We all know now that the last remaining Highborne have been accepted back into Night Elf society.

But a question I have to ask is why? Why would they wan't to rejoin Night Elf society?

Is it to simply help cleanse the corruption from the world? Or is it something more sinister perhaps?

What do you guys think.

Head to wowpedia or wowwiki and look up the Shendralar faction. The answer should be immediately obvious.
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31 Night Elf Mage
We all know now that the last remaining Highborne have been accepted back into Night Elf society.

But a question I have to ask is why? Why would they wan't to rejoin Night Elf society?

Is it to simply help cleanse the corruption from the world? Or is it something more sinister perhaps?

What do you guys think.

Head to wowpedia or wowwiki and look up the Shendralar faction. The answer should be immediately obvious.

It's not, they just say the Kaldorei will need their skills.
That's it.
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