([A] Event) Craft Faire and Market

((Update: Prizes have been decided. Each of the 3 winners will receive a Sky Golem, and up to 500 crafting mats of their choice, depending on what is requested))

A notice appears in major Alliance cities

"The Phlogiston Brotherhood is proud to announce it is holding its first ever Crafts Faire and Market!
When: Sunday February 9th at 2pm
Where: Outside Ironforge at the Brewfest Grounds
Who: Any and all are welcome, there should be something for everyone!
What: A chance for Crafters to show off their work, find a buyer, and even win fabulous prizes!
This event isn't just for those who make their own wares either! Have some fresh fish? Bring em! fine cloth from across the world? Bring em! Weapons and armor salvaged from your slain enemies? A little morbid, but bring em! There will be prizes for those who wish to submit their wares to our judges, in 3 different categories! Come and join us in this celebration of hard work and craftsmanship!"

((This is something I've seen talked about a lot, so I'm doing something about it, with a little twist. This will be my first RP event , as far as running it, so any suggestions or tips would be welcome. I am looking for some volunteer judges, 3 total, along with backups if any are unable to attend. Categories for prizes are as follows: Appearance, Difficulty/rarity, and General. Prizes are TBD, but will be worthwhile. If you'd like to enter something in the contest, send me an ingame mail with the name of the character and what profession you'll be showcasing. Entries can be anything you've crafted yourself, from 1 item, to a set of gear. Must be tradable, as all entries will be up for sale, proceeds going to the crafter. I hope this goes well so we can hold more of these in the future :D ))
Edited by Adamo on 1/24/2014 5:48 PM PST
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90 Gnome Rogue
She reads one of the notices and rubs her hands together rather greedily. Really one would think she was a goblin and not a gnome sometimes. "Wonderful! A chance to show my competitors who's who and what's what."
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I've had a few people express interest in game, but I'm still looking for judges and contestants. You can get a hold of me in-game on either Adamo or Thel usually.
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100 Draenei Hunter
*Shame filled bump*

*cries in the corner*
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100 Gnome Priest
A flier makes its way up to his recuperation at Half Hill, Pandaria. Delivered by a young panda messenger, the old gnome's gray whiskers curl up with delight as he reads.

"I will certainly endeavour to attend! My wounds should have mended enough by then for such travel."

He ponders for a moment, wondering what he could possibly contribute. His fingers weren't as nimble as they once were but perhaps he could scrape up some sort of curious gadget to display. At the very least he could offer simple modifications.

"Bah! Who am I kidding? I'm a Doctor, not an engineer!"

He folded the flier and handed it back to the young panda messenger, flipping him a coin for a tip. "Return to sender." He said holding up another coin to grab the young panda's attention. He spoke slowly and distinctly as the messenger recorded.

"I will happily attend this worthy event to offer whatever services I may be able to provide. Sincerely yours, Doctor Cail Liam Mahlr'D."

With that, the boy panda skittered away, giddy over the generous coin he had been awarded. The recovering old gnome kicked at the dock, pushing himself out toward the open lake on his raft to drift about lethargically. Reclined. Fishing hat tipped forward. Pole lazily in hand. Line in the water. Not a care in the world. Wise words from a wise man came back to the old gnome in that moment. He grinned as he recited them.

“If you ask me, the best thing about fishing is its slow pace. It gives one time to think, to reflect on past events and to plan for future ones. Oh, and its a great excuse to drink. Heavily.” Cail pulled out a bottle and uncorked it, taking a sip.
((Cail can offer basic medical consultations. I could also gather various pots and bandages to hand out. OOC he's also a maxed engineer so however he could help out in that respect I'd be happy too. Likewise I am able to bring one other alt that can offer a few assorted items and parts for Engineering as well as lower level Jewelcrafting items such as Rings and assorted trinkets, which I am happy to hand out or sell.))
Edited by Caileanmor on 1/25/2014 2:49 AM PST
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100 Draenei Hunter
Half a week to go, get your last minute preparations done! I'm really looking forward to seeing how this goes.
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