Inappropriate "RP" in Goldshire

12 Blood Elf Hunter
I started playing WoW back in 2006 and have recently returned after quitting about three or four years ago. I decided to roll human Alliance on Cenarion Circle as it was the first realm I ever played on. I had many nostalgic feelings remembering how nice everyone on this server was and was hoping to be involved in some *innocent* RP. As I came to Goldshire to level up I felt bombarded and quite frankly, grossed out, by the constant BDSM and Fetish Guilds advertising in general chat, as well as people straight up cybering in /say in the inn. Seriously, what the hell? Call me a prude if you want. Maybe it's because I'm a woman and a mother...I have nothing against people privately having cyber sex or doing whatever they want, but I found this very disturbing. I also couldn't help but think about children playing this game and reading this stuff. I don't think it's acceptable or appropriate. Every time I logged in no matter what time of day, this stuff was going on in the inn. I would like to have a fun game experience without dealing with this! If it was just one or two people involved I could ignore them, but it's large groups. How is this even allowed to go on?
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90 Night Elf Druid
This is due chiefly to us being CRZed with Moon Guard, a realm that is notorious for this kind of thing in Goldshire. Many people have gotten banned, but it's an ongoing battle and one that Blizzard can't constantly monitor. It's an unfortunate downside that CRZ brought to us. :\
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90 Undead Mage
Sadly, Blizzard decided it was a good idea to mix realms in order to boost the population of the lower pop realms. To do this in order for others to find people to quest with. We got mixed with many other Rp realms and sadly, the most dominate one is Moonguard. They have a horrible reputation when it comes to what they do in Goldshire and now all the Rp realms get to share their filth. Complaints go out all the time from all of the other realms, but Blizzard just doesn't seem to care.

I will say this, not all those on MG are that bad. Outside of Goldshire, most aren't that horrible, though once and a while you will find some. Goldshire seems to draw in the scum on the earth now and Bliz turns a blind eye to it. Maybe one day they will have one who cares enough to challenge what goes on there, but the game might be dead by then.

Best bet is to pretend Goldshire is the vortex of evil and your quest is to get out as fast as possible. Turn off general chat and quest around it if possible.
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100 Gnome Priest
Yes. Moonguard. CRZ. It's all their fault. Ok, maybe not 'all' their doing but they hold the lion share of the blame it seems.

I've heard how Goldshire was once a nice place to RP, but now I usually avoid it whenever possible. Fly over the top, or just keep running if you have to pass through. Strange how it's become our Red Light district.

My advice mirrors theirs ^ , turn off general chat when in Elwynn and maybe even turn off /yell if you're near Goldshire for any extended period. By and large I can avoid the nastiness by just doing that. It can certainly spill out into the streets, but thankfully the square is usually filled with people dueling so for me they all get lost in the mix. Stay out of the Inn as much as possible and you'll be out of that zone and on to Westfall in a jiffy.

Its tough to ignore it all however, and so by all means do report those that have gone out of their way to be offensive. I would love nothing more than to report entire groups, but that would take too long and totally detract from my gaming experience. My only hope is that they find a way to permanently pull Moonguard out of Goldshire (or even Elwynn) CRZ completely, and for the love of Pete please do not merge our realms!
Edited by Caileanmor on 1/22/2014 11:50 AM PST
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100 Draenei Warrior

/signore MoonGuard

Listen to the peasants rejoice
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90 Undead Mage
Oooooooooooh! Very nifty
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90 Human Paladin
It definitely comes from Moon Guard and to a lesser extent, Wyrmrest Accord. I find myself skipping that area when leveling an alt completely.
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