How's the RP?

100 Blood Elf Rogue
So, I am an altoholic and have all my slots filled on Wyrmrest Accord and Moon Guard, and am looking for a new RP realm to start some toons on. I've heard a lot of good things about CC, although it seems like most of what I've heard is from people posting on Ally toons. How's the RP for both sides? (since I'm bi-factional) Any particular RP hot spots for either faction I should know about? Or is it more limited to guild RP?
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100 Human Priest
Ironic, I wonder about WrA since my slots are all filled here, heh heh.

There are public events - the AAMS Horde side runs a "lounge night" on Saturdays at the Hardwrench Hideaway in Cape of Stranglethorn, and the Royal Library holds a symposium on Sundays in various locations - usually Silvermoon, but sometimes in Undercity, Thunder Bluff, so on. Those are the only RP things I've seen Horde side, I admit.
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100 Blood Elf Rogue
01/23/2014 03:55 PMPosted by Shankolin
Ironic, I wonder about WrA since my slots are all filled here, heh heh.

There are public events - the AAMS Horde side runs a "lounge night" on Saturdays at the Hardwrench Hideaway in Cape of Stranglethorn, and the Royal Library holds a symposium on Sundays in various locations - usually Silvermoon, but sometimes in Undercity, Thunder Bluff, so on. Those are the only RP things I've seen Horde side, I admit.

I like WrA personally. It can be limited to guild RP at times, but there's occasionally RP in the cities. Also I've noticed that WrA-ers tend to be little more snotty and look down on MG-ers (not always the case, but I saw some insults being flung around on the first day of Winter Veil when Greatfather Winter was being swarmed with players in Ironforge). Overall though I like them both. I have mostly Horde toons and a couple of Allies on WrA, and vice versa on MG. MG tends to be a little more open with the RP, which is great, but can also lead to trolls & griefers. Oh, and then of course there's Goldshire, but serious RPers tend to avoid that area for obvious reasons.
Edited by Ræyne on 1/23/2014 5:27 PM PST
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100 Goblin Shaman
There's also the Clinic on Tuesday in Thunder Bluff!

The whole Garrosh-declares-war-on-everything thing sorta caused a kink in the previous Horde hotspot in Orgrimmar. It's made it a little harder to find random RP in the world since we've been spread all over the place- luckily that's what the OOC channels are for, and the weekends events are good for meeting people. Best times are in the evening.

I should admit that I'm only a part-time Horde RPer. The AAMS is a cross-faction guild, and I'm the GM of the Alliance side. However, I'd be surprised if there weren't a few Wayfarers or Librarians chiming in soon...
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