Warcraftier's Challenge Contest!!

90 Troll Druid
Been a month since it ended. Any actual movement on this or is real life still stomping the people judging this? If so would new judges be needed?
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100 Gnome Warlock
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100 Worgen Warlock
Given that it's their guild running it, and most of the long-time raid guilds tend to be relatively close-knit, gonna go out on a limb and say "doubt it". And honestly, I'm not worried; it was voluntary, they didn't (and still don't, story submissions aside) have to run it. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. C'est la vie.
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100 Gnome Warlock
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90 Night Elf Druid
Real life is stomping me so hard, it's stomping harder than all the years that I spent stomping Liore, even after I'd hunt him down after he faction transferred to stomp him some more. I guess it's karma.

In all seriousness, yes, we suck :(, but we are still intending to reward the talented writers out there.
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I say use the time and get more people to submit.

Maybe it'll make it harder for the judges - but MOAR STORIES!
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100 Human Mage
Hi, guys

First of all, I want to thanks everyone who participated in the contest, your efforts are really appreciated. Good work on theses stories.

Although, I have an announcement to make concerning the contest that may be unpleasant for everyone that participated in the contest and also for everyone that is related by close or by far to our guild Warcraftier.

Something really unfortunate happen during the last week for our beloved guild Warcraftier. To sum up, our main guild leaders, Lerrielin and Qhi (formerly known as Tyrilian), had to retire from their function and even from the game for personal reasons. If only we had lost theses 2 jewels of individuals, we would have been able to recuperate and probably continue our activities as a raiding guild and as one of the pillar of Cenarion Circle. Me and some other individuals were assign some task as officers to lead that transition of power. Unfortunately, we lost so many raiders that our 25 man status is compromise for a medium-long period of time, even maybe going to the release of the next expansion. I wont speculate on that because there is too much variables to be able to give an estimate on the reprise of our activities in 25. There is some work being done atm to continue a 10 man heroic and recruiting is open for 25 eventually (or 20 mythic mode in next Xpac).

So that leave me to the central subject of this post, the contest. Well, we lost most of the members that were involved in the challenge mode runs. I will try to see with other officers if we can have a price to offer to the winner instead of the challenge mode set of gears.

All my apologies, we are having difficult times atm as a guild. We just had our 7 years anniversary as a guild, that really rare to see even on the most active servers.

Someone should post back or enter in contact with the winner, it may be me or another officer in the guild. Stay tune for more infos, and I apologize for the spelling as English is not my main language.

Hugs <3 Oló
Edited by Olórin on 4/21/2014 1:48 AM PDT
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