Greetings Brothers & Sisters of RP!

With the 27th coming up quickly, I would like to extend a hand of greetings to the Cenarion Circle RP Community.

My name is Tãmz from the server Sisters of Elune and the cross-faction RP guild, The Shrouded Sentries.

I've been Role playing for roughly 13+ years, a majority of which has been on World of Warcraft. While I do Role play mainly on Alliance, I am looking forward to further expanding my interactions with Horde Role players. Currently my most established Horde character is a Troll Warlock that goes by the name Zulkir. But for the real reason I've come here, I have to say that at first when I heard Cenarion Circle was to be cross-connected to Sisters of Elune, I was uncertain at first. Later on however, I would hear from friends both Alliance and Horde who are fellow Role Players, that they were happy to see our two servers being brought together, and they spoke highly of Cenarion Circle Role Players. With that said, I hope in the coming days that our two Role Play communities will grow close, share many RP stories together, cross-realm RP events, and much more.

Pardon the rather choppy introduction, it was really late my time here in the central timezone of the United States, and I could not go to sleep knowing that I had not greeted you, my fellow Role Players just yet. Till my next visit here on the Cenarion Circle forums, I wish you all a good day, a good night, and may your RP plots forever be enjoyable & memorable.

Tãmz Dunabar-Silversword, Head Master of The Shrouded Sentries & Moderator of the Sisters of Elune RP Community site.
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100 Human Warlock
Welcome welcome! Let me be the first of the plethora (trust me there's a fair few) of Cenarion Circle Roleplayers to express my sincerest greetings! We look forward to many fun stories, and getting to know all of you. We're a fun bunch, mostly weirdos, some pants thieves, marriage crazy Gnomes, silent-creepy robot like men, and a plethora of permanent cat druids who act like housecats.

We're a diverse, unique and fun loving bunch so I know for a fact we'll all find some common ground and get to know each other very well.

I've currently leveled Alliance characters, including two Dastardly villains here, (This Lock being one) and several other marginally 'good' characters.

I too am looking to expand into the Horde, and am working on the proud, grizzled Orc Veteran looking to help Korigal the Warmaster of Legacy of the Warsong expand its influence.

All in all, we eagerly await playing with you!
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100 Draenei Warrior
The thought of Tyvian playing a good character is mind boggling. Now I on the other hand am a perfect angle.
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100 Gnome Priest
Oh! I heard there was going to be a plethora of people here. Can I join in? Please?

Pleased to meet you, Tãmz! I look forward to seeing you around. And if you do spend some time Hordeside, be sure to stop by the AAMS Light on Saturdays or the Royal Library's Sunday Salons if you can to meet some of us! /end mandatory event plugs.

I'm glad that so far everyone on both sides seem so friendly.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Well well. Who're the cool kids NOW!

Tamz, you are somebody I believe I will be going out of my way to seek out. I hope you will do the same.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Gotta get some Horde input here! (even though my main is Alliance!) What Derscha meant is Lounge I believe! Every Saturday at Seven, we welcome everyone! So welcome, looking forward to RPing with all of you there!

PS: Don't talk to Liore, he's crazy
Telirra Highvale, Malandaha Starglenn, Eliceyna Blake, Isela,
Edited by Telirra on 2/11/2014 10:13 AM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
Well hello there neighbor!
*the old gnome pokes his head over the fence, only the top portion being visible*

I'm glad you stopped by to say hello. *the only indication of him smiling is his eyes and the tips of his curling mustache* I look forward to getting to know you and your friends ((your alts)) better, and I do hope to see you all around at our many social functions! Perhaps the two of us could get together some time and collaborate over a cup of find gnomish coffee. A special blend!

Toodaloo neighborino!
*his gnome arm extends over the fence to wave. A metal spring pops behind the fence.* Oh my!... *His eyes widen as he disappears*
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100 Worgen Warlock
<Rakeri observes Cail's antics from his secret base somewhere...not in Stormwind. He facepalms.>
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100 Gnome Priest
02/11/2014 10:12 AMPosted by Telirra
Gotta get some Horde input here! (even though my main is Alliance!) What Derscha meant is Lounge I believe! Every Saturday at Seven, we welcome everyone! So welcome, looking forward to RPing with all of you there!

PS: Don't talk to Liore, he's crazy
Telirra Highvale, Malandaha Starglenn, Eliceyna Blake, Isela,

Yes. Silly autocorrect and hastily typed lunch time forum messages.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I figured! Just thought I should clear things up to we don't confuse people any more than we already do
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Thank you all for the very warm welcome!

I'm honored that so many of you have taken the time our of your lives to reply to my thread. I'm a rather open book kind of fella, you simply need to ask me something, and if it isn't anything too personal I will answer. Granted all answers may come in the form of "Tacos" or "Taco", I will still answer to the best of my ability. Unless it is really late my time, then the best of my ability is laying back in the chair, snoring loudly.

I'm a rather well rounded RPer for the most part. I can RP a good guy, bad guy, neutral, upbeat, down in the dumps, and yada yada. Really just doing my best to keep my altaholicism flavorful! I may be getting another 11 characters to RP, but that still isn't enough for me lol. Also there was mention of Pants thieves by Tyvian...well, I want to see these pants thieves steal something that isn't around anymore! *Throws his pants into the blazing fireplace* Hmm...rather drafty in here all of a sudden...

But for now though, Azeroth calls, and this Knight has a service to the citizens of Azeroth to fulfill.

Till we meet again in forum posts, in Azeroth, or in a RP channel of some sort, I wish you all the best and may you have a great day if I do not see you!

*Leans a two handed axe against the fence that divides our two people* There, now I'm prepared for the 27th to cut through this blasted dividing fence.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
*licks Tamz and runs away*
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02/11/2014 07:22 PMPosted by Talibah
*licks Tamz and runs away*

Mount by licking!- wait that doesn't right...

DRIVE BY LICKING!- cars in WoW...

I got licked!- boring but it works...

*Hugs Talibah*
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100 Draenei Shaman
*Hexes Tamz* You've now been initiated by frogging. Welcome! and Hope to see ya around
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02/11/2014 10:14 PMPosted by Belpha
*Hexes Tamz* You've now been initiated by frogging. Welcome! and Hope to see ya around

*Feels froggy suddenly* I will be bouncing around to find you for this! :P
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100 Human Rogue
02/11/2014 08:36 PMPosted by Tãmz
02/11/2014 07:22 PMPosted by Talibah
*licks Tamz and runs away*

Mount by licking!- wait that doesn't right...

DRIVE BY LICKING!- cars in WoW...

I got licked!- boring but it works...

*Hugs Talibah*

cars? No, Motorbikes, trikes, steam tanks...even bigger tanks...a few things that we're not sure but they're really big and make cool explosions? Yep!
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02/12/2014 02:39 AMPosted by Kordrion
02/11/2014 08:36 PMPosted by Tãmz

Mount by licking!- wait that doesn't right...

DRIVE BY LICKING!- cars in WoW...

I got licked!- boring but it works...

*Hugs Talibah*

cars? No, Motorbikes, trikes, steam tanks...even bigger tanks...a few things that we're not sure but they're really big and make cool explosions? Yep!

Pfft, na that is all illusion gnome tech, man. Those Gnomes be a crafty bunch of tinkers!
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97 Worgen Death Knight
…It seems I cannot change my posting toon… (yet, I'm not sure) So, Felilly here just peaking in to say hi.
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90 Human Paladin
02/11/2014 07:26 AMPosted by Noikona
The thought of Tyvian playing a good character is mind boggling. Now I on the other hand am a perfect angle.

*Eyes scar on her own left bicep*

*Eyes Noikona's horns.*

I don't know about them being at the 'perfect angle', but at least they don't 'shift' around on your head.

((I'm sorry. I couldn't resist.))

((Wait. No, actually, I'm not sorry.))


Edited to add: Hello Tamz and all the other new peoples!
Edited by Azheira on 2/12/2014 12:50 PM PST
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90 Gnome Rogue
*Looks around* "Are we talking about being good?"
*Uncorks a vial of poison and begins applying it to a dagger*
"You see, I'm the most innocent gnome you'll ever meet and don't let anyone else tell you anything differently." *Looks up from the dagger.*
"If someone does say I'm mean and cruel and heartless and all those other rude things. Let me know! I'll make sure they never say those things every again."

Hello! I look forward to meeting everyone once we are connected.
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