LF a **Fun, Active, and Social Guild!!**

51 Human Paladin
Hello everyone!

I have recently returned from a period of time away from the game and have been trying to decide what character I want to level. My trouble deciding has come because to me, the game involves working with and actually communicating with other human beings! Several of the attempts I have already given a go (granted, they have been on regular PvP realms) failed to be of any interest because there was literally -zero- communication going on. Guild chat was nonexistent and I only saw chat in LFD groups when someone was complaining or arguing!

In an attempt to find other Human Beings to enjoy the game with, I have returned here to CC. I have a variety of characters available here (both H and A, at varying levels) and might even re-roll a new one.

I hope to hear from any possible like-minded people who can offer a suggestion or point me in the right direction! Thanks in advance.
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100 Draenei Paladin
I would join the AllianceOOC chat channel. That will let you get a feel for different people's personalities and what guilds might fit in. I have found Cenarion Circle an overwhelmingly welcoming place, I hope you do too! Bear in mind that most of the folks hanging around in AllianceOOC are roleplayers, you don't mention that as something you're interested in. But still, it's a good starting point!
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100 Pandaren Priest
Hi Genous!

It sounds like your searching for a new home and if you're interested in moving servers you can check us out. :D We welcome re-rolls and transfers. If not, good luck and have a great time in Azeroth!

<Mischief Managed> an Events/Social Guild on US-Lightbringer (PvE) - Alliance

Attention Wizards, Warlocks, Muggles and the like!
Have you been searching for a guild that holds events regularly? How about a guild that is as friendly as it is social?

Who are we?
~We are friends (mostly in our 30's) who enjoy hanging out in Azeroth together.
~We are an Events/Social Guild with no foul language, no sexual innuendo, no trolling.
~We value each others company as much as our shared passion for playing World of Warcraft.

What are we looking for?
~Mischief Managed is looking to add players who enjoy attending guild events, participating on the guild website, and (above all else) are respectful of each other.
~We are looking for players excited to grow together.

As an event guild, we are more interested in our member's personalities than their gear item levels, progression levels, game history, etc. We seek other like-minded and mature players who want to have fun chatting and doing things together in-game.

We welcome transfers, re-rolls, and those already on Lightbringer.

If this sounds interesting to you, check out our website at: LB.enjin.com
There you can see what events we have coming up and submit an application if we are a good fit for you!
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90 Human Priest
Hello there,

On behalf the members of The Other Side, I would like to say “Hello” and invite you to join our guild. Our guild is comprised of like minded players who are looking to enjoy the game in a relaxed and social environment. The core of the group is made of long time daily players and weekly raiders who understand that real life comes first. All levels of experience are welcome.

We have a number of resources available, including message boards, a mumble server, guild twitter, a facebook group and a streaming video channel (aka TOS guild TV). We are currently a level 25 guild.

We are always looking to add more people and make more friends! If interested in joining, please visit our webpage at:


and fill out a membership form! We’re looking forward to meeting you!

- Anjou
The Other Side (TOS)
Alliance guild
Cenarion Circle

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