An Hello From Sister's

100 Blood Elf Priest
Greetings everyone! I wanted to welcome you guys to the RP community on SoE as well. I help host and Mod our RP Community forums and am looking forward to some great RP with you. I am really excited that these two servers are being merged, some new blood is never a bad thing.

As an RPer I got my start in Ultima Online and have been an RPer for about 15 years. I have helped run guilds and run two right now with some amazing RPer's and officers. Rakni already introduced himself on these forums.

If you are on Horde feel free to look up any of my guildies in hand of the Sun and I have a guild on Alli as well, called the Song and tankard after an event I hosted on my main there, Omorose. Real life has kind of gotten in the way but, I am hoping to revive it when things settle down. Looking forward to meeting some new faces and again welcome.
Edited by Talibah on 2/11/2014 7:25 PM PST
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100 Draenei Shaman
Looking forward to seeing you about the server! I'm Belpha! Unfortunately I'm a mostly allyside player, but hope to see ya nonetheless
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100 Goblin Warlock

You run a Horde and an Alliance guild!?

But! But! What about faction loyalty!? Think of the children!!!
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I think its important to learn different sides of the game. I also used to write about WoW for Beckett, kinda had to play both. As far as children, my son plays too.
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100 Goblin Warlock
No! You're doing it wrong!

You are supposed to pick one side and demonize the other. That's the only way you can get a comprehensive and objective outlook!

Besides, Blizzard favors the Horde anyway... or was it the Alliance? I forget.
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100 Gnome Priest
I laugh in the face of faction loyalty!

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100 Draenei Warrior
02/12/2014 09:07 PMPosted by Derscha
I laugh in the face of faction loyalty!


*finds a ladder so that Derscha can see the face*
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/12/2014 09:07 PMPosted by Derscha
I laugh in the face of faction loyalty!



You seem vaguely familiar. You wouldn't happen to be a goblin rogue in another life would you?
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Like your style, sister. It'll be good to have such an influx of talented, eager minds to sponge off of.
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62 Blood Elf Monk
Hi CC.

I shall be dropping my trains in the AH now that more people will be on.

Chugga chugga chugga CHOO CHOO!
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