Looking for a raid team or guild

92 Human Hunter
528 BM hunter, know most raids and quick learner.
looking to expand on my game.
anyone in particular looking or know of a good guild??
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90 Human Priest
Hello there,

On behalf the members of The Other Side, I would like to say “Hello” and invite you to join our guild.

Our guild is comprised of like minded players who are looking to enjoy the game in a relaxed and social environment. The core of the group is made of long time daily players and weekly raiders who understand that real life comes first. All levels of experience are welcome. We have a number of resources available, including message boards, a mumble server, guild twitter, a facebook group and a streaming video channel (aka TOS guild TV). We are currently a level 25 guild.

We are always looking to add more people and make more friends! If interested in joining, please visit our webpage at:


and fill out a membership form! We’re looking forward to meeting you!

- Anjou
The Other Side (TOS)
Alliance guild Cenarion Circle

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