February 22nd: Forge Day

100 Draenei Paladin
((A neatly written announcement is found tacked beside the Hero's Call board in Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, and the Exodar.))

WHEREAS the people of the Alliance find themselves beset on all sides by enemies, be they The Horde, The Burning Legion, remnants of the Scourge or others and;
WHEREAS the Alliance shall need ever more heroes to combat these evils and;
WHEREAS those risking their lives and livelihood to defend the Alliance should face these dangers with the best equipment practical.

NOW, THEREFORE let the 22nd of February be designated a "Forge Day" between the hours of 11 and 1. Any neophyte hero may seek the Paladin Zephilyn in the Dwarven District in Stormwind to have any piece of blacksmithing work made from the materials of copper, bronze, or iron with no need to provide any of these metals. Other works of blacksmithing may be done, providing the materials necessary are obtained. Those unable to attend may send a missive to Zephilyn and their works will be completed.


((Basically bring your lowbie hero and I'll make whatever I can for them out of my own copper, bronze, or iron. Other materials (gems, or higher level metals) I may or may not have- so try to get your hands on them if you know you're going to need them for something you want! If you want to see what recipes I have, shoot me a tell))
Edited by Zephilyn on 2/9/2014 12:28 PM PST
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100 Draenei Paladin
((So, we're a little more than a week away and I don't see a lot of interest. While I still have time to adjust things, would a different set of materials be more of interest to folks? The only one I'm going to veto is Fel Iron. It drove me nuts looking for that stuff while I was leveling up and (selfishly perhaps) I'm not keen on farming a ton of it :). So! Obsidium? Saronite? Cobalt? Mithril? Or, does everybody have heirlooms and I shouldn't bother with this?))
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100 Human Warrior
Perhaps some nice transmog sets too? Maybe people would be more interested in that?

My favorites from crafted Blacksmithing are the Tempered Saronite set and the Enchanted Adamantite set (Scryer Rep recipes).
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100 Draenei Paladin
Thanks for the feedback Foravin. I hadn't considered Transmog sets, but that's a great idea. I have a small reserve of most of the other crafting materials, so unless I get time to dig some up before Saturday, it'll be first come-first serve on those. Or, folks can shoot me an in-game mail with what they'd like and I'll craft it up. I don't have much in the way of pre-pandaria rep sets (I went Aldor since it seemed more IC for Zeph), but if you have a question, just ask about in-game.

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100 Draenei Paladin
Just a friendly reminder, this is tomorrow! I'm hopeful that some folks out there will find it useful. If you need something other than copper/bronze/iron, try to let me know so I can gather up the needed materials (whether it's mithril, saronite, whatever). I do have (small) stocks of most of the various metals lying in my bank, but I can't guarantee I'll have what's needed.

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