Good RP spots on CC

63 Dwarf Priest
Hi all,

Just curious what some good Role Playing spots are on this server?

And no....not Goldshire :)

Thanks for Suggestions.
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90 Human Paladin
Hello there,

The Blue Recluse in Stormwind's Mage District can usually be a good place for some casual role play.

There are also some events held weekly you could check out:

Troubador Night and The Clinic alternate Mondays in Ironforge at 5:00 pm - hosted by Pia Presidium.

Tavern Night in Booty Bay at 6:30 pm on Tuesdays - hosted by Feathers of Iron.

The Light and You is a sermon hosted by Conclave on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm at the gazebo behind the Cathedral in Stormwind.

Fridays bring another Tavern Night, but on this night it's at the Blue Recluse at 6:00 pm.

All times listed are server time.

Hope to see you soon. :)
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100 Goblin Warlock
Well I know of this lovely little spot where you can be exposed to all sorts of new exper-

And no....not Goldshire :).




Um... Darnassus?
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100 Draenei Warrior
You could always trip a gnome.
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90 Human Paladin
02/14/2014 10:41 AMPosted by Noikona
You could always trip a gnome.


You -could- do that.

Of course, then you might end up breaking your leg (twice), getting arrested and sent to work in Tinkertown, and in a horrid turn of events you could get body swapped with your arch nemesis for over a month.

If all of that sounds like a it would be super duper fun, feel free to trip all the gnomes you want.
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100 Worgen Rogue
At least you're not punting goblins. You tend to lose your leg in the process.
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90 Human Paladin
02/14/2014 12:15 PMPosted by Harmarth
At least you're not punting goblins. You tend to lose your leg in the process.

Noikona! I do believe Harmarth has found your next addon!
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100 Draenei Warrior
02/14/2014 12:17 PMPosted by Azheira
02/14/2014 12:15 PMPosted by Harmarth
At least you're not punting goblins. You tend to lose your leg in the process.

Noikona! I do believe Harmarth has found your next addon!

*gets to work on the modifications*
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90 Orc Rogue
PLEASE RP an Arsonist and visit Silvermoon. It MUST be purged with fire!
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100 Gnome Priest
<span class="truncated">...</span>


You -could- do that.

Of course, then you might end up breaking your leg (twice), getting arrested and sent to work in Tinkertown, and in a horrid turn of events you could get body swapped with your arch nemesis for over a month.

If all of that sounds like a it would be super duper fun, feel free to trip all the gnomes you want.

At least you're not punting goblins. You tend to lose your leg in the process.

I can't really speak to the other things, but coming from a purely medical background I can say with a certainty that if you tried to kick my dear old friend Nellajane you would stand a high chance of receiving a doubly broken leg.

The first break would likely come by way of kicking a three foot tall, eighty-ish pound, armor clad rage machine...

The second would come from kicking a three foot tall, eighty-ish pound, armor clad rage machine armed with a "Really Big Sword" .

... I'm just sayin...

((Sooo many edits trying to master my bbcoding :P))
Edited by Caileanmor on 2/14/2014 9:31 PM PST
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90 Gnome Warrior
I don't much like being kicked -or- tripped.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Keep in mind, CRZ keeps other major cities somewhat populated as well. I get my fill in from random RP from Darnassus, for example.
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100 Worgen Warlock
The Ironforge and Booty Bay crowds get off-server visitors quite a bit, too - I believe we had a rather jovial pandaren from WRA at the Feathers tavern last night, heh.
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100 Human Rogue
Aye, the blue recluse is a good place to look. I'm usually there, and often I can be found on another toon in Darnassus. Also! /join AllianceOOC (if you haven't already) and ask around there. If I'm paying attention to it I'll respond but I have enough channels as it is things tend to get lost. And if asking doesn't work, mind control people to Rp. Or do the formidable RP Grip. Unavoidable, incapable of being immune to, and has a range of fifteen light years.

The events are definitely the best place to start. And as said before. You can always trip a gnome. I -highly- recommend this.
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