Idea for Re-Roll / New Guild

100 Night Elf Hunter
So I've been tossing around an idea for a Re-Roll guild when the Server Merger between Cenarion Circle and Sisters of Elune happens. To give you a very abridged version of my journey with WoW, I'll just say Ive been playing since the very end of BC...weeks before Wrath Launched. ICC was the Raid I cut my teeth in. I have been an Officer in Cenarion Circle's <Rusty Blades> for years and absolutley love it there. My Main (and by Main I dont mean current main...I dont think there is such a thing....but Main = First toon you fell in love with and can never think about a Hunter...yeah I know...Hunter Main...but oh well...I love that Night Elf.

So why a Re-Roll guild if the Rusties are so awesome? Well for starters I have been playing mostly on WrA server as of late due to the general emptiness of Cen Circle. I went Horde all through Cata and ran a guild over there / had a blast....but due to IRL losses...( :(...Tips 40oz to my boy Nos) ), and a general dislike of the Horde (I never felt connected to any of their races)...I came back to allience. But Cen Circle was sooo empty I deleted Horde toons and rolled some Alliance over there (WrA). But playing Alliance made me remember why I loved Cenarion Circle so much in the first place....The guys are simply Amazing.

So - heres my thoughts...I want to create something great. My motto in WoW is that we pay to play this game....if you arent having fun...they stop playing. That being the case, I dont believe that one person can be the "source" of everything fun in a guild. I want to make a guild for the guild / by the guild. I want alot of Officers...Officers running things / setting up events etc. I want RP...I want PvP...and I want this all to be done with the Cenarion Circle twist...people first. Leave your Gear Score at the Door...and bring the person. I want to get new friends from SoE involved and have them help run this thing too. I would really like to have a group of people help in the planning of the Creation of the guild...from name to Logo to Uniform (mmmm uniforms really make a difference IMO)....everything.
Anyways...I will be checking in game Mail on my Main <Thieren-CenarionCircle> so feel free to hit me up if you are on CC and like this idea...and I will post this on both Cen Circle and SoE realm forums...I sincerly hope to hear from a bunch of Amazing People!

TLDR - New Guild...want Awesome People who want to meet other great people, help create Guild and have a great time together...

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100 Goblin Warlock
Reroll Horde. That's the only way you can meet lovely ladies like me.

02/16/2014 09:30 AMPosted by Thieren
I went Horde all through Cata and ran a guild over there / had a blast....but due to IRL losses...( :(...Tips 40oz to my boy Nos) ), and a general dislike of the Horde (I never felt connected to any of their races)...I came back to allience.


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100 Night Elf Hunter
Awwww you do appear quite lovely...and the Female Gobby toons do look great....but the males all being from Jersey were a /meh for me LOL....
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100 Gnome Priest

...( :(...Tips 40oz to my boy Nos) ),

But playing Alliance made me remember why I loved Cenarion Circle so much in the first place....The guys are simply Amazing.

I want to make a guild for the guild / by the guild. I want a lot of Officers...Officers running things / setting up events etc. I want RP...I want PvP...and I want this all to be done with the Cenarion Circle twist...people first. Leave your Gear Score at the Door...and bring the person. I want to get new friends from SoE involved and have them help run this thing too. I would really like to have a group of people help in the planning of the Creation of the guild...from name to Logo to Uniform (mmmm uniforms really make a difference IMO)....everything.
Anyways...I will be checking in game Mail on my Main <Thieren-CenarionCircle> so feel free to hit me up if you are on CC and like this idea...and I will post this on both Cen Circle and SoE realm forums...I sincerely hope to hear from a bunch of Amazing People!


First let me say that I am sincerely Sorry for your loss. :( Thats a rough thing to go through.

Second, I'm glad you came back! :D I don't really know you, but I hope that I can get the chance too. I can honestly say that subconsciously we CC-Allies have been missing you! It's always great to welcome newcomers, but it's especially sweet to welcome one of our own back into the fold.

I love this idea you have for a guild. There is a lot of potential to be had.
Personally I RP, and when I'm not I'm doing my thing... which is whatever strikes me as fun in the moment. Sadly my whims tend to make me rather unreliable, not to mention my overall RL situation forbids me from committing to anything long term like raiding. So as much as I would love to, I don't. I just never know when I'll be called away or how long I'll be away when I am. Nevertheless I try to contribute what I can, where I can, when I can. I have a fondness for this community and whenever someone has a good idea like this I want to give back and at the very least offer myself up for support.

What does this mean to you? I don't rightly know! :D But my point is that I am here to offer any aid I can.

I'll be dropping you a mail or two as thoughts occur to me. :)

Best of Luck on this venture!
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100 Night Elf Hunter
Thanks a ton Caileanmor....this is just the type of thing I was hoping for...throw an alt or six in the new guild (still unformed)....and toss around ideas....or just have interactions with us (its odd speaking of a thing that is not yet formed...but oh well...)....I totally feel your RL strain....besides the always try to have fun thing...Im a huge fan RL > WoW....even if Arthas doesn't get downed for an extra 3 months....don't care...take care of the RL....Arthas aint goin no where.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Mormel is a very lovely lady but I worry about all of that green foundation that she wears!
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100 Night Elf Hunter
And why would a gnome get prosthetic ears like that right???? LOL
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