Can't find a SOO raid?

90 Gnome Mage
Are you feeling sad because you have an alt you would like to raid on, but your guild doesn't do alt runs? Or maybe you want to gear up that main and your guild doesn't raid at all?!! No worries. You can join Quixie's alt/main/whatever run if you meet the following criteria:

-item level that is 535+
-be properly gemmed and enchanted
-have vent
-have own consumables

Also, normal raiding experience on your toon (or on your main) is a plus!

Currently, this raid happens Saturdays from 2:30-5:30 SVT, with invites going out 5-10 minutes before.

Interested? Can't wait to finally get your raid on?? Then simply respond to this post, send me an in-game letter, or pst me on either Quixie (my alt) or Vesma (my main), and let's talk about those raid deprivation feelings.
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90 Gnome Mage
Just need 1 tank, 1-2 heals, and a couple of dps. Inquire within about reserving a spot!
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90 Human Warrior
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100 Pandaren Monk
547 Tank fully gemmed and enchanted.
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90 Gnome Mage
Need 1 tank for Saturday SOO normal raid. Inquire by responding to this post or sending me an in-game letter or tell to Quixie or my main Vesma.

Happy Raiding to all!
Edited by Quixie on 2/21/2014 4:56 PM PST
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