[Event] Spring 2014 Kosh'harg (Horde-RP)

The supple hide of a lamb is nailed to a supporting beam of a nearby building, tacked at four corners with thick, iron spikes. Immediately spotted from a distance is the symbol of the Horde at the top of the hide and a pair of crossed warhammers at the bottom. Thick script emblazoned in a rich dark brown covers the hide as if it has been branded with the words. It reads as follows:

Throm-ka, Warriors of the Horde!

For generations before their betrayal and corruption our people lived at peace with the elements. We honored the spirits of our ancestors and we fought to defend our homes and bring strength and glory to our Clans. Twice each year, when the day and the night held equal sway, all the Clans would gather together in the sacred fields of Nagrand and seek counsel from the spirits at the Holy Mountain of Oshu’gun.

Since the revival of the Kosh'harg last year, the Horde has been through a gauntlet of challenges beyond imagining: the corruption of some of our people through the taint of the Sha, the twisted dominance of the elements committed by the so-called Dark Shaman, the zealotry and arrogance of the Alliance, and the loss of many great warriors.

With the coming of Spring, however, the night gives its power over to the day and the radiance of the sun can claim dominance once more. As we feel the warmth of the light of day returning to our world, we are reminded of just what our comrades fell to protect, and we are moved to celebrate their sacrifices in service to the Horde. We are reminded especially of the sacrifices of those who served the Darkspear Rebellion and paid the ultimate price to ensure that our Horde never again labors under the yoke of corruption. This is a time of renewal and rebirth, and the hour has come to honor to our fallen, our ancestors and the elements in celebration of victories yet to come.

Let us welcome the sun as it begins its rule in the heavens once more. Let us honor the memory of our victorious dead. Let the Clans be gathered together once more for the Kosh’harg!

For our ancestors,
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Greetings once again fellow Roleplayers, Storytellers and Lore Enthusiasts of the Horde!

Thundering Hammer Clan and the roleplay community of Feathermoon Horde are pleased to invite you to our second mega-event for Horde players across the Warcraft community. Join us next month, March the 20th from 9PM EST (6PM PST) to 12AM EST (9PM PST) on the Spring Equinox for the second annual Spring Kosh’harg!

Let us know you'll be joining us by filling out the signup form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AJ0MjIhcjM5WIPGQyjXK26PjY0GhdQPRJ6tpxP9WGd8/viewform

What is the Kosh’harg?
Put simply, the Kosh’harg is a gathering of the Clans of the Horde, a celebration of all things Horde, and the biggest yearly RP event in the World of Warcraft! It is part spiritual pilgrimage, part tournament, and part raucous feast - if you are a Horde player who respects Horde culture and lore we want to see you there! This time, we hope to make our event bigger, better, and even more fantastic than the last and we want you to join us!

Buried deep in the labyrinthine annals of Horde lore are a few rare references to a traditional bi-annual gathering of the Clans on Draenor before and during the rise of the Horde. Set in Nagrand and centered around the holy mountain of Oshu’gun the festival was held twice each year on the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes when day and night are of equal length. For the duration of the festival the numerous Clans would gather from all over Draenor and lay aside their feuds and disputes in order to honor the Spirits of their ancestors and to seek their guidance at the Holy mountain.

The festival was a centerpiece of Horde life for generations, a single thread of unity that bound all of the disparate Clans together. Legend says that it was at the Kosh’harg that Durotan of the Frostwolves and Ogrim Doomhammer of the Blackrock first met and became friends. It was at a Kosh’harg that Ner’zhul first formed the united Horde, and it was at the Kosh’harg that the first Warchief was selected. The rich tradition and historical significance of this festival to the Horde cannot be overstated - and now the time has come for us to gather the wide and varied Clans of the new Horde together once more.

The Spring 2014 Kosh’harg
Next month, on Thursday, March the 20th during the Spring Equinox we will gather the Clans, not just of Feathermoon but also of our Horde neighbors together in Nagrand for the largest gathering of Horde Roleplayers ever seen. Come join us as we watch the Clans process into the festival in all their glory, as we seek the blessing of the Elements and our Ancestors on our Clans, as we compete in games of strength in the Nagrand arena, as we feast together in our ancient home, and as we share stories and fellowship with the brave warriors of the Horde. You do not need to be from an RP or RP-PvP realm to participate, you simply have to be a Roleplayer or Lore enthusiast!

Check out some screenshots from the first Kosh’harg here to get an idea of the scale and fun of this event: https://plus.google.com/events/gallery/c45dvlr5smdnj6hqrrh8k3o95jc

Many events are planned, prizes will be awarded, and in-game memories will be forged that you and your Guildmates will carry with you for the rest of your time in World of Warcraft.

To help facilitate a great event for all involved we are asking for interested parties to sign up as individuals, or as guilds, using the form linked below. We are also looking for volunteers and volunteer coordinators to help with setup and maintenance for our events as well as donations for the many prizes that will be awarded. More details about each specific event will be posted here in the forums over the next several days. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer or in contributing materials to the event, please contact Snowlace, Iselian, Brightclouds, Zundai, Atamancy, Angenie, Jatazi, Braksus or Karrik in game on Feathermoon-US.

Join us next month and let’s make Horde history!

For our Ancestors,

(Cross-Realm Disclaimer: Some of our plans, such as the feast and the prizes for the tournaments involve items which cannot be traded cross-realm. To maximize your enjoyment realms that will be bringing a sizeable contingent should also organize leadership teams to help provide these elements for your realm’s attendees. If you would like to help coordinate the event for your realm please let us know!)
Edited by Atamancy on 2/15/2014 8:11 PM PST
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Kosh’harg FAQ

Why is this event being held in the middle of the week?
Because the Kosh’harg is always held on the equinox, the event must be held on March 20th. We understand that the event falling on a Thursday may be inconvenient for some potential attendees, but we have not yet found a way to control when the equinox falls. We’re still working on cooperation with the Bronze Dragonflight to alter the timeline such that we can hold our events at a more convenient temporal location, but until that time we are held to the parameters of this world. Sorry!

I’m not on a roleplaying server, can I still come?
Of course! The more the merrier! As long as you are not disruptive to the event, even non-roleplayers are welcome to attend just to watch the proceedings. We recommend that if you are not familiar with roleplaying protocol that you read some general RP guidelines such asthis thread from the Feathermoon Forums: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1074087525#2 or talk to one of the organizing staff.

I’ve never heard of the Kosh’harg before, where can I read about it in existing lore?
The Kosh’harg is represented in Christie Golden’s novel Rise of the Horde as an ancient event for the Orcish Horde of Draenor. Granted, the ancient tradition did not include any of the other races, but as the Horde has grown to encompass these new races, so too must our traditions adapt to embrace our new brothers and sisters.

How can I help make this event awesome?
Coming to the event is a big first step and we’re grateful for your willingness to attend. The most helpful thing that you can do is to reach out to your friends who might be interested in coming to this event! We’re working hard to get the word out, but we can’t possibly reach everyone. Tell your friends, your guildmates, that guy Bob down the street who RPs as an accordion player with a pet monkey in Silvermoon - pretty much anyone who might be interested in attending! If you want to take an even more active role in helping we have a number of volunteer positions available. Individual threads for each part of the event will be posted soon to coordinate volunteers and sign-ups.
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100 Undead Mage

Is there a place for tournament sign-ups?
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As it so happens, yes! Check out this thread for more details: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/11913861997
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86 Undead Monk
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86 Undead Monk
Oh, are you guys doing something with only Shamans at the end like last time? I ask because I am wondering about using the LV up on one just to go to the event with.
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100 Tauren Paladin
I'm not sure what the plans for the Shamen are this time around, but last time there were only 5 involved at the beginning blessing of the elements.

The end event, I believe just the Shamen who were still around all went into the cave in the sacred mountain.

I guess it would depend on how badly you want to RP as a Shaman for this event as to whether you want to use your level up on one. You can attend on any toon that can survive the rigours of Nagrand.
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((We're looking for more entries into the Spirit Walk Storytelling competition being held at the Kosh'harg! If you like telling stories, or if you know someone else who does, check out the competition thread for more info: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/11985788511 ))
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86 Undead Monk
2 more days till Kosh'harg. I look forward to the Spirit Walk part of the event.
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((Last call for entries to the Kosh'harg Spirit Walk Storytelling Competition! Learn more about the competition here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/11985788511

Please email your submissions before the Kosh'harg begins tonight at 9PM EDT/6PM PDT to koshhargspiritwalk AT gmail DOT com - if you believe you have sent in an entry but have not received a confirmation email, please make sure you have the email address correct! We have a very small number of entries, so you've got a good chance of winning if you enter!))
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((Sent in an entry about 20 minutes ago and double checked the email. No confirmation yet.
I know you folks are in Nagrand preparing, so that's probably why you haven't gotten to it yet, but figured I'd mention it here -just in case-.))
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((Just responded. Thanks for your entry!))
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100 Tauren Druid
Are the realID invites for cross server folks going out right at the starting time? It's 5mins til and I haven't seen one yet, so I'm getting a little worried.
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100 Tauren Druid
It is Thursday right?
/check calendar
Yep! Ok, I'll be patient :)
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100 Tauren Hunter
Also wondering about people wanting to attend from other servers. :(
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100 Tauren Druid
If you signed up via the form link provided in the second post down, they'll have your battletag/RealID so they can invite you to a cross-server raid group for attendance :)
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100 Tauren Hunter
I did! I just haven't gotten an invite yet and I was getting worried. :)
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100 Tauren Druid
Me either, or any of my friends on my server, but I talked with Throgrun on Feathermoon and they're in the process. Sounds like there's just a lot of people to invite! Patience will be worth it :)
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100 Tauren Druid
Whoo! I can't wait! I mean I will wait.... patiently, yes,.
Edited by Kerala on 3/20/2014 6:25 PM PDT
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