[Event] Spring 2014 Kosh'harg (Horde-RP)

100 Tauren Hunter
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100 Tauren Druid
It has almost been an hour. :/ I hope they get to us soon.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Thank you for hosting such a wonderful event. I know I had a blast. If you guys really do another for the fall I know a few of us would be very interested in attending.
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100 Tauren Druid
Talk about an experience! This was such an incredible event to attend, thank you all for the hard work that went into organizing this! Like Lilyia said, you can expect the Tears of Draenor to make an appearance at the Winter Equinox!

You all deserve a huge round of applause, thanks again! Wonderful hosts!
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100 Tauren Shaman
A very nice event. Thanks for providing a great evening for so many of us from all over!
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90 Orc Shaman
Thank you very much for hosting and organizing the event! It was great to brush the dust off old Spirit here and get my RP on. A tip of the ol' wolf hat to you all!
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100 Goblin Warlock
Thanks for the great event and for taking the time to get everyone phased in properly. It was a lot of fun! :D
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100 Tauren Paladin
Much thanks to Thorgrun, Snowlace, and all of THC as well as Karrik of RoE, and Iselian and all others who helped put on a great 2nd Kosh'harg!

Three full raids of Horde was a great showing!

But the icing on the cake was the Alliance attack in the middle of the banquet!

I look forward to next year's event!
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[[Three full raids...and some stragglers of home folk. What a lovely time. I apologize to those who had to wait while I dusted my brain off and realized that I had to make RealID friends with folks to get them invited. *embarrassed* I caught on and we got that third raid filled to the rafters. The stories were great, the tourney had surprises and Snowlace got to eat many foods. Bouncy panda must stay bouncy! Thanks for your attendance, we'll see you for the next one! Uh....this is alt of Snowlace. *sheepish* ]]
Edited by Teevi on 3/21/2014 4:43 PM PDT
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Thanks to everyone who attended! This year's Spring Kosh'harg was even better than the last and I can't thank you all enough for making it amazing. The life blood of this event is your attendance and roleplay. The feast was great fun, especially the total Alliance failure at Haala. They seriously thought they were going to drop in on 120 Horde and disrupt the biggest event in Warcraft RP? Fat chance! The instant and bloody response made me proud to be a nine year veteran of the Horde.

I was also thrilled with the crowd RP at the Tourney. You guys know, lots of folks in WoW are doing tournaments now. 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 and RBG Tourneys are all the rage and are streaming all the time, but NONE of them provides the atmosphere and immersive environment that you, the amazing RP and Lore community of Warcraft brought to the Blademaster Tournament this year. You guys made it great. From goblin hawkers, to hecklers in the stands to the noble parade of Tauren elders - the WoW RP community never fails to make this an experience for all of us. I can't thank you all enough.

I also want to thank all our volunteers. The leadership team we had this year was out of this world. Thundering Hammer Clan may host this event, but the truth is that every year it is the time and love poured into it by the volunteers that makes it happen and I want to recognize them:

  • Iselian: Parade organizer, Tournament commentator and streamer, endless fount of great ideas and tireless laborer.
  • Karrik: Prizemaster, Herald, creative energizer and huge dose of refreshing enthusiasm whenever it was needed.
  • Angenie: Director of Guild and cross server outreach, networking mistress extraordinaire
  • Brightclouds: Group logistics volunteer and server outreach assistant and the first person on Feathermoon to believe in and rally for the Kosh'harg
  • Jatazi: Group logistics volunteer and media maven, mistress of the multitude of screenshots
  • Atamancy: Spirit Walk story contest coordinator and amazing copy writer and editor of all our great promotional materials
  • Snowlace: Founder (and eater!) of the feast, Juggler of Bank Space and manager of the 10 Thousand Ingredients
  • Jundai, Zundai, Mackh, Zaladrin, Natalyie: the peerless purveyors of cooked delights who set down course after course of deliciousness for all our guests

And of course EVERYONE who farmed, crafted, donated and spread the word about the biggest and best RP event on this or any other server.

We will have screenshots of all the fun up soon - but in the meantime maybe you took some great shots yourself? Then we invite you to join our Event page on Google+ and help us make this year's Kosh'harg photo album even better than the last one!

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Screenshots are up! Come and tag yourself and talk to others and share memories of Kosh'harg 2014!

Check us on Facebook!

Hey, look! Google+, too!
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It be a good time, mon!

I be likin' da' story-tellin'.


I also be likin' da' Alliance who joined us ta' give us more meat for da' feast. Ya be tastin' good!

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