To the RP community using TRP2

As of right now with the new patch, the addon TRP2 is causing problems with the chat window.

-You first log in and your chat window is white with only TRP2 system information informing you its active.
-You will not see any sort of chatting going on (Yes this includes say, yell, whisper, guild chat, and etc.) and more..

You will pretty much have to redesign your whole chat windows, however after doing a test I found that it wouldn't save my "work" that I put into fixing my chats when I logged out. This may or may not happen to you as well, if it doesn't you're lucky. However, if it does indeed get rid of all the work you did, just disable the AddOn entirely, and wait for it to be updated.

*Feels so naked without TRP2* Gahh! I feel like a non-RPer without it!

Thank you patch day, you strike again *shakes fist*
Edited by Tãmz on 2/18/2014 4:21 PM PST
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90 Night Elf Priest
I have been using trp2 for a long time now, every now and then with an update, or a patch there are issues (the same goes for lots of add ons, i go crazy when WIM gets all wonky with a patch and stops working lol) Just give it time and i am sure it will get fixed like it has in the past. All i do is when i log in i just got to my chat settings and click reset chat windows. When i do that i can see say,yell,emotes,guild chats, etc. So fairly simple fix youll just have to deal with non custom chats till they fix it.

and i do think they did an update that fixed it, least for me. :)
Edited by Rasmira on 2/20/2014 6:09 AM PST
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