[Question] Connected Realms and CRZs

100 Gnome Priest
I'm curious. When two realms are connected, are they then pulled out of their CRZ affiliation with other realms? ...or do they still maintain those?

I've done a fair bit of searching and reading (well, skimming) and I haven't found anything on this.

Anyone know for certain one way or the other?

------------Answer that ^ first please. Below is just my opinion.--------------------
Personally, I would prefer complete world separation from CRZ once we connect fully with Sisters of Elune. Perhaps maintain our Dungeon/Raid/etc finder connections. I do enjoy the bolster to dungeon finder. Sometimes my cues pop like crazy. In world however I'm about done with them.
Is it just me, or are there others that feel the same?
Edited by Caileanmor on 2/14/2014 10:00 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
It changes nothing Cail. At least not in the sense that you'd like.
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90 Night Elf Priest
i am not a fan of CRZ at all, i came here from an RP-pvp realm for RP only, and CRZ makes it so hard because every where i go to get some RP in i am having to contend with people from WRA,MG,Blackwater,SOE, and farstriders. And some of them are not very nice, or willing to share RP areas. I made a suggestion that blizz should make towns,settlements, and quest hubs non CRZ to give people some CRZ free havens without having to all pile into SW or go to Panda-land. Keep good Rp spots realm specific for ALL RP realms, but allow the surrounding area to be CRZ. Like how SW is non CRZ but elwynn is.

I wish (and had high hopes getting connected to SOE would take us out of CRZ, like CRZ was just a temp thing for realms as they waited to get connected and once they got connected removed from CRZ) however i ve been informed by a few people we will be connected to SOE as well as STILL have to deal with CRZ.

I even made a post in general discussion about CRZ and RP realms and why cant blizz make more areas in the world non CRZ for RP purposes on Rp realms.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Do you remember what Goldshire was like before being CRZ with Moon Guard?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
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100 Draenei Mage
When CRZ was first announced I was kinda excited, as I figured it would open up a lot of new RP possibilities.

In some ways it did, but overall it's been far more trouble than it's worth. The main issue being that you're mashing together servers with very different communities, and suddenly groups and guilds that were in areas that were once secluded and fairly quiet are competing for RP space.

For the most part, my guild has been willing to work with other guilds and groups to share our normal spots, but unfortunately our spot became very popular with the "college" RPers who had no intention of behaving respectfully the way the RPers from everywhere else were.
We tried looking for other places, generally watching promising spots over a number of days to make sure we wouldn't be intruding on another rp group. We ended up being forced to strongarm things at our spot, using smoke flares to "fumigate" those who came in and were purposely disruptive (dancing on the table where we were sitting, etc.) and just ignored those who RPed in another room without bothering us. So far it's worked out well.

I'm still optimistic that things will continue to improve as time goes by. I'm more than happy to RP with anyone who's around, so long as it's a wow-based RP, although respect does go both ways.
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100 Gnome Priest
02/14/2014 10:36 PMPosted by Genevra
It changes nothing Cail. At least not in the sense that you'd like.

I ended up surfing through a few older threads where this had been brought up. I had forgotten that it was answered then :P

A very sad No. :(

02/23/2014 02:18 PMPosted by Tremia
When CRZ was first announced I was kinda excited, as I figured it would open up a lot of new RP possibilities.

In some ways it did, but overall it's been far more trouble than it's worth. The main issue being that you're mashing together servers with very different communities, and suddenly groups and guilds that were in areas that were once secluded and fairly quiet are competing for RP space.

For the most part, my guild has been willing to work with other guilds and groups to share our normal spots, but unfortunately our spot became very popular with the "college" RPers who had no intention of behaving respectfully the way the RPers from everywhere else were.
We tried looking for other places, generally watching promising spots over a number of days to make sure we wouldn't be intruding on another rp group. We ended up being forced to strongarm things at our spot, using smoke flares to "fumigate" those who came in and were purposely disruptive (dancing on the table where we were sitting, etc.) and just ignored those who RPed in another room without bothering us. So far it's worked out well.

I'm still optimistic that things will continue to improve as time goes by. I'm more than happy to RP with anyone who's around, so long as it's a wow-based RP, although respect does go both ways.

I'm sure there were individuals (and perhaps guilds) out there that reached across the CRZ and worked things out, but in large part our communities never really connected. It appears to me that most (myself included) went in with the erroneous notion that their claim on areas would continue to be respected, only to find that several others on other servers had standing claims as well in which case everyone works it out and adapts their RP or someone has to go.

This is one reason I am looking forward to connecting realms with Sisters of Elune. On the surface at least it seems like both of our communities will have to truly connect, and really it will be easier to do so. With CRZ its easy to escape into a main city or put the entire server on ignore thanks to an addon. Being fully connected we now have a really good chance to merge communities and work things out, which ultimately can bring a lot of good.
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100 Gnome Priest
02/15/2014 10:37 PMPosted by Mormel
Do you remember what Goldshire was like before being CRZ with Moon Guard?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Hehe... Pepperidge Farm.... :)
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/23/2014 02:40 PMPosted by Caileanmor
This is one reason I am looking forward to connecting realms with Sisters of Elune. On the surface at least it seems like both of our communities will have to truly connect, and really it will be easier to do so. With CRZ its easy to escape into a main city or put the entire server on ignore thanks to an addon. Being fully connected we now have a really good chance to merge communities and work things out, which ultimately can bring a lot of good.

The connection between CC and SoE is really a perfect match. Right now SoE is desperately gasping for air as it struggles to keep from becoming a completely dead server while CC is looking for an infusion of fresh blood to boost its numbers. Thus, I see a lot of SoE players opting to willingly assimilate into the CC community while creating as little disruption to the CC guild establishment as possible.

More importantly though is that both servers do have certain similarities with the type of people that founded/maintained their communities. In short, there is a decent degree of like-mindedness between both realms that is pretty rare to see in WoW.
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