94 Gnome Mage
A flash of light, and a thundering crack filled the air for a mere second.

The Magi stood there, weak legged and trembling. Head spinning, he tried to focus his gaze.
"What on Azeroth?" he asked no one in particular.

Where had he been? Another dimension? What had happened? One moment he was talking to a Pandaren soldier, the next he was in complete darkness, floating in some void.

Well, no matter, he was back now. And he felt the urgency to locate the head of Conclave.
Gen would be quite worried by now. And perhaps he should have Doctor Cail take a check of his vitals, make sure nothing was left behind in that void...

(OOC: I'll be back in game tonight guys. Thank the gods for tax returns!)
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100 Human Paladin
((Yay! I won't be on tonight so I'll have to catch up with you in game tomorrow! ^.^))
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94 Gnome Mage
Tomorrow it is. Besides, there's a beer somewhere calling my name...LOL
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