The Other Side 3/14 Heroic is Recruiting

90 Draenei Shaman
The Other Side has been raiding since WotLK and has had many successes over the past several years including clearing all tiers since t10 while relevant content. In MoP we have gotten several FoS for clearing MSV, ToT, and SoO before any patch. We pride ourselves on having a relaxed atmosphere while raiding, many of us are good friends who like to laugh and have fun while raiding. We are a welcoming bunch. Our goal is ultimately to kill bosses and even though we play with a friendly atmosphere we expect our raiders to know their class and play to the highest level possible and to be open to constructive criticism.

Raid Times:
Monday: 6PM-9PM server (PST)
Friday: 6PM-9PM server (PST)

Current Need:
We are currently in need of a ranged dps, preferably Warlock, Hunter, or Mage. (Warlock strongest preference)

Reply to this thread, visit our website, or whisper Dxxdyy or Kelraza in game (battletag Dxxdyy#1554 or everreal15#1754) If we are not online, in game mail or Battle tag requests with your class would get the fastest response from either of us.

Link to raid team forums on guild website:
Edited by Kelraza on 2/25/2014 12:24 PM PST
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90 Worgen Druid
Anyone interested must provided the boomkin with a pie!....or a gnome. Your choice. Bonus points for gnome pie.
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90 Human Priest
One day soon Dxx the gnomes are going to rise up against the tyranny of your ravenous maw and avenge their devoured compatriots. It's the next item on their list, right after the liberation of Gnomeregan. So beware, boomkin pie vengeance is coming soon and it will be a dish served piping hot!
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90 Draenei Shaman
Still currently in need of a skilled DPS. If you are interested in starting heroic progression and want to raid in a relaxed fun atmosphere this may be be the group for you. :D
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