Cairn of Kings Recruiting

100 Night Elf Druid
Cairn of Kings the artists formerly known as Sanctuary Garden is looking for more wonderful people. We've been hit hard this expansion and our once happy family has shrank. But with this sadness comes a new opportunity to meet new wonderful people. This is where you the reader come in. If you are looking for a friendly and laid back group to experience content with we'd love to hear from you. Below is the standard information:

Raid days Monday,Wednesday 6:20ish- 9:00 P.M server
Currently looking for everything besides tanks.
Guild has been around in some form since the days of Vanilla WoW.
We have cleared everything in flex, but due to attendance issues we have not had a chance to try venture to normal and are seeking to fix this problem.
Joining the guild is not mandatory, though we encourage it.

If this sounds like something you are interested in finding more about, or you just have questions. Cyfer, Aylar, or myself would be the ones to seek out. If we are not on feel free to ask another guild member as they probably know if we are on an alt or hiding somewhere.

Thanks for your time CC and have a great day or night!
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100 Dwarf Warrior
Good people. Join them. Endorsed by Thunderbeer. I hear they don't have token dead warriors yet.
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100 Human Rogue
Jooooin them. You know you want to.
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100 Night Elf Hunter
So maybe you heard the rumors, allow me to confirm - we're looking for YOU.

To all CC and our new Server Mates! The rumor is true! We're recruiting!

Maybe Cairn of Kings doesn't ring a bell, we used to be Sanctuary Garden and we've been knocking over bosses in one form another since Vanilla - unfortunately (beginning around t14) the attendance boss has led us to the glorious fun that is Flex - yes, Flex is fun! And we're all looking forward to Flex Style =Normal in WoD - but we're ready to march through normals while it is still relevant.

So this is where YOU come in - we're open to all rolls (but prefer dps). Since we all know the fights and have raided for many years we don't typically use/require vent but we do expect you to have a positive and somewhat mature attitude. Laughing at the dead warrior is fun (sadly it's become me, but I am ready to pass on the honor), crying about loot isn't.

We raid Mondays/Wednesdays for the time being. We have 585 characters (no clue how many accounts that is) and we dabble in everything. We've got your Grand Marshalls and your Magic Seekers - we have IRL girls and old folk - we do NOT have anyone who listens to Nickelback! Nightcore gets your further.

You can reach out whenever to norsk#1195 if you have any questions.
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100 Dwarf Warrior
Are we still allowed to sing on ventrilo?
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100 Human Rogue
02/25/2014 10:01 PMPosted by Thunderbeer
Are we still allowed to sing on ventrilo?

Only if you croon sweet nothings to Hao
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100 Night Elf Druid
Still looking for people, we have been doing PuG runs on raid days if you want to check us out!
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100 Human Warrior
New reset today - come knocking! Norsk#1195
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