Desperate Gnome Needs Love

100 Human Rogue
An anonymous message posted on the call boards.

Help Sizzle find a man! NO GNOMES! I repeat, NO GNOMES. Preferably a dwarf with a beard. A grand beard. MAJESTIC even!

Sizzle's pros.
Pink hair.

Uhhhh.. None!

If you are interested and wish to date such a wonderful specimen to their race, jot down your name! And if you make a date... Show up.
(Written in very fine, invisible print.) No shows may be subjected to cannibalism.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Mormel raises an eyebrow as she reads the anonymous message that somehow found its way into Booty Bay.

"I don't know... she'd need to have a lot of money, and I mean A LOT, for me to go out with her. I do have standards ya know."

Mormel smirks as she continues to mutter to herself.

"Still, I could probably hook her up with a big, beefy orc... for a price!"
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**A tall, dark, and mysteriously handsome bald man pins this onto the Ironforge call board, then disappears into the crowd.**

Lonely Mountaineer
Dwarf male looking for female companionship

Must enjoy (or at least be willing to brave)
- long ventures across often frozen fields
- viewing sunsets atop snow capped peaks, and
- the occasional skinny dip into arctic waters.

Perks include
the company of an old but mighty dwarf with a long glorious beard and warm nights cuddling by the fire which may occasionally include a hearth.

Cons include
long solitary deployments into inhospitable wilderness fraught with all manner of dangers. Must be willing to brave long lonely nights awaiting his return, unless your adventurous enough to join him, in which case pack a weapon and some extra bandages.
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100 Draenei Warrior
(( . . . ))
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