LFM for SOO 10 normal

90 Gnome Mage

I run a progressive group on Saturdays 2:30-5:30 SVT for 10 man SOO normal. The dps and healing raiders are pretty regular about showing up, but the tanks have not been. So, I'm looking for regular tanks to join the ranks for this team of casual players. Most of our raiders are in 540ish gear, but some of us are as high as 560. Many of the raiders bring a mix of LFR/Flex experience and some of normal as well. I have 14/14 normal and 4/14 heroic experience on my main.

What are we looking for?

--players who are 540+
--have gem and enchants
--have vent
--have a good attitude

Are you seeking normal experience? Interested? Then feel free to let me know by sending an ingame letter or tell. Are you a dps who might also be interested in joining a progressive group? Well you can feel free to let me know of your interest and if a spot opens up for you, then I'll see what I can do!
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90 Gnome Mage
Come progress with us! Still looking for a special tank someone to join my awesome group!
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