Hi, guys just looking to see if there are any players who want to run regular BGs for fun
I'd run BGs for fun... but you picked blue instead of red.
I mean, maybe he's looking for a one on one knife-fight in the middle, while our respective teams chase those tedious objectives?
02/28/2014 08:47 PMPosted by LioreI mean, maybe he's looking for a one on one knife-fight in the middle, while our respective teams chase those tedious objectives?
Well I have to admit it... butter-knife fights are pretty fun...
-Ugly cries into Mormel's shoulder.-
03/01/2014 07:30 PMPosted by Malerus*Perks up at the word "Butter"*
If there's going to be butter, can I have the leftovers when the fight is done?
Sure but it will cost ya! Oh and do remember that butter knife fights tend to take a while.
Ah, but time is of no consequence. The longer the better I say. This gives me time to browse a few cookbooks and prepare spices along with additional ingredients.
Or perhaps we could forego the use of actual butter and maybe, dare I say it, use peanut butter instead.
And we don't even have to change weapons. The butter knives can still be used, just be sure to, erm, spread it all over.
*ties a "kiss the cook" bib on setting several jars of jelly down next to him.*
Or perhaps we could forego the use of actual butter and maybe, dare I say it, use peanut butter instead.
And we don't even have to change weapons. The butter knives can still be used, just be sure to, erm, spread it all over.
*ties a "kiss the cook" bib on setting several jars of jelly down next to him.*
Edited by Malerus on 3/2/2014 12:42 PM PST
Nyah! Peanut butter!? Do you know how high the current inflation on peanut butter is!? Where am I going to find it for cheap right now?
We might as well throw some chocolate into the mix while we are at it.
*licks lips*
Actually... that sounds pretty good.
We might as well throw some chocolate into the mix while we are at it.
*licks lips*
Actually... that sounds pretty good.
Ahh wow forums how you entertain me. OP's thread went from a question on pvp to butter knife ptsd to cooking, that is impressive.
03/03/2014 05:57 PMPosted by Mormel
We're just doin' our job sir.
I thought HR got a hold of you. We have to let you go. We're... moving forward in a direction that I don't think you're cut out for. I'm sorry. For what its worth, I can agree to be a reference for you, should you seek future employment.
-Sitting pantsless behind a cardboard desk.-
03/03/2014 06:48 PMPosted by LioreI thought HR got a hold of you. We have to let you go. We're... moving forward in a direction that I don't think you're cut out for. I'm sorry. For what its worth, I can agree to be a reference for you, should you seek future employment.
-Sitting pantsless behind a cardboard desk.-
But... but... what about that TPS report I'm workin' on?
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