Khromie's Khpoetry Khontest: WINNERS!

100 Gnome Priest
Khromie sat at her sorta-secret but most-def-favorite spot in all of Stormwind, poring over the love poems written by her friends. She marveled at how much talent there was in the world, but even more so at our infinite potential to love and be loved.


Once upon a starry night
Everything went absolutely right
It was just you and me
And for all the world we were free
Would that night never ended


On such a calm and peaceful night
There is naught a single fright
With the moon up high in the sky
How could anyone pass this by?
Just standing here with you
Makes me see everything as new.

- Bomb!!!

Khromie thought Bomb!!!'s poems were the sweetest of the bunch and could imagine the bouncy Pandaren singing them aloud as she twirled around in a pretty new dress! A coupon for a custom tailoring session was sent to Bomb!!! straight away.

Long ago, shining bright,
Cold and dark is this night
Frowning against the rain,
Stars shielding against the pain,
Waiting for the one who comes
To share in warmth of the eternal sun.

Eyes, shining blue,
Shining brightly as the stars,
Who is that, sitting over there?
With eyes as blue as the sea,
Shining brightly as the stars we see.

-Vavavoom and Sir Oarwind

A poem by Vava and... SIR OARWIND? THE OARWINDIEST OF OARWINDS?!?!?!? Khromie gave this poem ten thousand points and kisses where Oarwind had signed his name. Coupons for a custom tailoring session were sent to the pair, but Sir Oarwind would receive a little extra something something if you know what I mean... A framed photo of Khromie, of course!

As those that wait for the specs in the sky, intimacy is shared while those specs of hope appear in the darkness. Soon they gleam one by one, then by the hundreds. Each with a twinkle and light of their own. Each has a story of the things they have seen and of the time gone by. Each mysterious and special in its own way. One lives for the night to give him thrills with nothing to lose. Time stands still. The other blends in with the twilight sky, eyes glowing bright as the moon drifts by. Can love brew, or is it only lust? To share each other's words or crave each other's touch? She is lost, like those small glimpses of Light. A hope to be explored. A hope to be found. Only a memory will remain of their time spent below the heavens. Will it be one reflected on in the future, one to burn brightly as the stars do above?

- Firetooshie and Moon Moon

What Khromie especially liked about this entry was that it was a prose poem! Her thoughts drifted to the potential of the pair as a Twoo Wove couple, and Khromie's highly scientific mind posed this quandary: considering that the moon is made of cheese, therefore Moon Moon is made of cheese, and Fire Tooshie's tooshie is made of fire, should the couple copulate, would they produce baby grilled cheese sandwiches? As she pondered this puzzling proposal, Khromie sent coupons for custom tailoring sessions to both.

Oh pristine beast of gentle purrs
I long to feel your groomed furs
Draped across my back a coat
And as a boot with cat-claw spurs

I long to greet you fondly
For a night of kindly bonding
'Twixt your pelt and my blade
A bloody skinning dawning

You've broken my heart
Our date so short-lived
As i gaze at the stars
I imagine you shiv'd

Return to me, oh furry friend
Make my life complete again
Our relationship need not end
Until you're victim of my bloody sin

- Anonymous
[by Jalou]

After much super serious deliberation on the matters of bouncing panda yabambams, Vava and Sir Oarwind kissing in a tree, and tiny sentient grilled cheese sandwiches, Khromie decided that this poem by Not-A-Moose was the winner. It was a bold decision on the judge's part, to declare a Tauren--and clearly, by the entrant's name, he was a Tauren--the winner of this contest.

What she especially loved about this poem was its unique twist--like the twist of a dagger handle in someone's back!--on Twoo Wove! As Khromie's personal fairy godmother, Eating Candy, had taught her, stabbing people could be an expression of true and sincere endearment! Daggers were made of love!

She hoped none of her friends would be upset that a Tauren was wining the contest. As much as she, too, thought that Hordies sucked giant troll balls all day everyday, Khromie ultimately felt that this only proved the power of poetry: that it could move the hearts of even Taurens and ... Mooses? Meeses? Mi? Anyway, Khromie sent the grand prize winner, Not-A-Moose, a coupon for a custom tailoring session, a crateful of booze and cake, and a special something something of Gnomish invention.
Edited by Khromie on 2/28/2014 9:07 AM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
[ OOC note: Thank you bunches to all who participated! For those who won custom tailoring sessions, please get in touch with me about what you'd like made! I'd love to RP these out, but if our schedules don't align, just drop me a note with what you'd like!

Also, for all the participants of both Date Night's, there's still a Sky Golem burning a hole in my bag. The Goblin Queen and I will compile our lists to select a winner at random, to be announced here! ]
Edited by Khromie on 3/17/2014 9:09 AM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
I'll... uh... I'll hold onto that Sky Golem for ya. For safe keeping of course.

Also, just flip a coin!
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100 Gnome Priest
Good idea! -Holds out hand- Could I borrow a gold piece?
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100 Goblin Warlock
Nyah!? Borrow gold!? No! I have needs.... expensive ones that must be satisfied!

Now if you were to offer something of greater or far greater value for it then maybe I would consider it.
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"I... Do not understand."

Jalou folded her hands upon the table. "It's simple. I just need you to pick up the package, claiming that your name is Not-a-Moose."

Mucao's brow furrowed. "This is true. My name is not a moose, it is Mucao. I must prove this?"

"No..." Jalou answered slowly, "Just pretend that your name is not Mucao, and that it is Not-a-Moose. You can even keep the crate of alcohol!"

"My name IS not a moose. It is a name, not a moose. You confuse me, human friend. I am Mucao."
It is as all of the others have said, surely. The brown human, Jalou, truly is mad. May the Spirits guide her to wisdom.
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