When paladins unite

100 Draenei Warrior
03/13/2014 05:54 PMPosted by Liore
Things started off as a pink miracle, and ended in a not-so-warlock teaching me how to 'make them clap'.

What a world.

Next time I will purchase some ‘Forum Thread Derailment Insurance’ but I fear Mormel might already have a contract written up. ;)
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100 Goblin Warlock
03/14/2014 09:25 AMPosted by Grímjów
I like to "make it clap" what would that cost me?

Well normally a lot but since you are such a big, beefy, strong, and masculine orc I think we can work something out.


Oh! I'll need you to sign these papers first and, uh, just ignore the fine print cutey.

03/14/2014 09:53 AMPosted by Noikona
Next time I will purchase some ‘Forum Thread Derailment Insurance’ but I fear Mormel might already have a contract written up. ;)

I always come prepared!

*slams contract down on the table*

Now it costs 1k gold per post that I fix for derailing the thread and I also need a down payment of a rare mount. Your Ashes of Al'ar would do nicely.

On a side note but have you ever considered going into show business? I think you're perfect cover material for the Dancing Draenei, a... prestigious uh... magazine for... gentlemen.
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100 Draenei Warrior
03/14/2014 03:07 PMPosted by Mormel
03/14/2014 09:25 AMPosted by Grímjów
I like to "make it clap" what would that cost me?

Well normally a lot but since you are such a big, beefy, strong, and masculine orc I think we can work something out.


Oh! I'll need you to sign these papers first and, uh, just ignore the fine print cutey.

03/14/2014 09:53 AMPosted by Noikona
Next time I will purchase some ‘Forum Thread Derailment Insurance’ but I fear Mormel might already have a contract written up. ;)

I always come prepared!

*slams contract down on the table*

Now it costs 1k gold per post that I fix for derailing the thread and I also need a down payment of a rare mount. Your Ashes of Al'ar would do nicely.

On a side note but have you ever considered going into show business? I think you're perfect cover material for the Dancing Draenei, a... prestigious uh... magazine for... gentlemen.

*glares* Dancing!!! Are you out of your mind!!!

I have never punted a goblin, but I have heard that people change.
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100 Goblin Warlock
You should be flattered! Dancing Draenei is very picky and only hires the best... employees.

Anyway, I'd advise against adopting that new habit. Goblins tend to explode when punted, often taking the punter's leg with them. Just ask Mankrik about his wife.
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