Haven't received your Hearthsteed? got a fix.

100 Human Paladin
I don't know why this worked but I stumbled on it on the general forum and thought I'd share it in case anyone else didn't receive their hearthsteed immediately.

If you're like me, you checked your main, or whichever alt you had been recently playing and it wasn't there even after full log outs/resets/restarts/hours passing etc.

I checked on Gen again this morning and nothing. However maybe if you check your highest alphabetical toon it will be there.

I.e. if you have a toon that starts with the letter C but your main starts with the letter F, it may be in letter C's mail.

Anywho, this was the case with me and just thought it might help others and save some frustration.
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100 Worgen Warlock
The advice I remember reading was to check them all, just to be safe. I honestly don't know what could cause a bug - usually for stuff like this, or pre-order bonuses, etc., it's usually in the mailbox of the first character you log into (this guy, in the case of the Hearthsteed).
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